This is
one of the few questions I do not want to have to answer when
I finally have some grandchildren. Seriously, how does one answer
that question?
We have
a government far bigger and
more bloated than the Founders ever dreamed
about, let alone intended.
That government reaches its intrusive tentacles into nearly every
facet of our daily lives, all in the names of “safety,”
“security,” “fairness,” “equality,” and a whole host of
others, because those in
the government believe that they know better than we do what's best
for us. And we have allowed it.
American people now work around one-third of
the year just to pay our tax burden. Think about that for a few
minutes. It's one hundred twenty-one days
into the year before the money we work for becomes ours
again. It's clearly evident we no longer have the economic freedom
to pursue our happiness. And we have allowed it.
or not you agreed with the stand Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, took,
the fact that the government set up “free speech zones” should
alarm you, to say the least. “Congress shall make no law abridging
the freedom of speech.” The Framers actually wrote that phrase out
in the Bill of Rights so there could be no
confusion about it.
You could point out that the BLM isn't Congress, that they're merely
part of the federal government, and technically you'd be correct.
What you also have to consider, however, is that
to the Founders and Framers, Congress was
the federal government, or at least the largest part of it. Should
not the same rules apply to any and all bureaus and departments that
represent the federal government? This is merely the first step in
the stripping away of the right to free speech. And we
have allowed it.
long ago, I posted about the true
meaning of the 2nd
In it, I detailed how brilliant the Framers were in using the word
“arms” when they enumerated the right of the
to keep and bear arms. The intentions of the Framers could not be
more clear. In short, they wanted to ensure that the American people
would be as well armed as any army the government could muster to
prevent the kind of creeping tyranny we've had encroaching upon us
for the last thirty-odd years. By the letter of the amendment, any
American should be able to possess any
weapon or weapon system that the government can field, so long as
they have the economic means to procure it. That was the beauty of
it – we're supposed to be on equal footing with the government that
now tells us we cannot own automatic weapons, and that we must
register the weapons we do
own, not to mention the limiting of the number of rounds a magazine
can hold. And we
have allowed it.
How do
we tell our grandchildren that even though the actual damage was done
by those who despise what this nation was, is, and still could be
– but also that it was us, the American people, who have
allowed it. Call it
complacency, laziness, or just life in general, the damage being done
is just as much our fault as it is the
liberals/socialists/communists: By permitting political correctness
to silence, or at least diminish, our voices, the dilution of our
rights, the stifling of individualism and entrepreneurship through
confiscatory, we are causing our own demise.
Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away
from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for
them to do the same.” Never were truer words ever spoken.
I, along
with the rest of the admins on the Facebook page Liberals
are Hypocrites,
are doing what we can to educate you, bring to your attention both
the good and the bad, and just generally make the truth known, and we
refuse to be silenced. I certainly don't write this blog for fun.
doing our part as best we can. Are you?
If you're not, ask
yourself how you're going to look your grandchildren in the
eyes and answer them when they ask, “What was freedom like?” ~