30 November 2014
Answering The Pantheon Of Armchair Police Officers (And Other Useful Idiots)
1.) Brown had already been shot in his hand when he reached into Wilson's patrol vehicle.
2.) Brown assaulted Officer Wilson, punching him twice in the face hard enough to fracture his eye socket and tried to wrest Wilson's gun from him (causing Wilson to fire 2 shots in the vehicle).
3.) This isn't the movies.
4.) Anyone with even a shred of intellectual honesty will tell you that anyone who may have to use a firearm for their job, like the police and our military, is trained to shoot center mass. Why? Because that's where most of the vital organs are located and it's the biggest target. In the movie "The Patriot," Mel Gibson's character, Benjamin Martin, asks his two boys, who helping him attack the British unit transporting his eldest son as a prisoner, what he taught them about shooting. They replied, "Aim small, miss small." Yes, I know it's a movie, but "Aim small, miss small" is a truism in shooting.
5.) Officer Wilson, having already been attacked by a 300 lb. man (not a child), nearly knocked unconscious, does his job - pursuing a subject suspected of a strong-arm robbery. This suspect flees, then turns around and charges at Wilson, causing the officer to shoot Brown five more times, the fatal round entering Brown's head as he fell to the ground less then eight feet from Wilson, leaving a twenty-five yard long blood trail in the process.
6.) Firefights and officer involved shootings happen quickly, and are typically high-stress situations. I know from the 2 firefights I was in years ago that my heart was racing, my hands shaking, and my aim unsteady. I can only thank the good Lord above that I didn't hit someone other than the ones shooting at me. To shoot at anything other than center mass is to court death.
7.) There's nothing harder in shooting than hitting a moving target, especially when adrenaline is flowing, or you've been assaulted by a man whose intention it can only be assumed was to kill you. Ask any soldier who's been in a firefight in Iraq or Afghanistan - they'll tell you the same thing.
8.) We must also keep in mind that Wilson's entire encounter with Brown lasted about a grand total of ninety seconds. Things moved fast. Thankfully, Officer Wilson's training and instincts kicked in to keep him alive.
The point of this diatribe is to show that while the police willingly put their lives on the line every day, they also aren't like the cops we see on TV and in the movies. They get nervous, scared - just like the rest of us - but they're trained to deal with those emotions better than we are.
Again, based upon the evidence, I believe Officer Wilson acted appropriately and within the law. Once again, it would behoove us to remember that the police are not obligated to use less than lethal means to subdue someone once deadly intent has been displayed.
This isn't now, nor has it ever been, about race. This is, and always has been, about a police officer doing his job - and that's all it ever should have been about. Period. ~ Hunter
25 November 2014
The Ferguson Decision
I've held off on writing about this because I wanted to wait until the grand jury reached its decision. It's been tough keeping silent, especially after the true facts started trickling out (as they always do in similar situations). Now it's time to let it all hang out.
It's getting extremely irritating hearing over and over and over how Mike Brown was "unarmed." He forfeited the ability to make that claim - as did his supporters - when he attacked Officer Wilson.
Added to that is the fact that police officers are not obligated to use non-lethal means despite having them at their disposal.
Now let's take that a step further - it's now been determined that Brown was attempting to relieve Wilson of his weapon. How well do you think those non-lethal means would compete had Brown managed to take said weapon?
The grand jury, which included three black people, unanimously refused to indict Officer Wilson based upon the evidence - evidence that clearly showed no wrongdoing on the part of the police officer. Three separate autopsies - including the one from Dr. Michael Baden, who was privately hired by Brown's family - showed that the altercation began inside the vehicle. All - and I stress ALL - the findings support Wilson's version of events.
Mike Brown's family has asked for non-violent protests, despite their grief over the loss of their son and their misplaced anger. The "protesters" have not honored that request - leading to at least twenty-nine arrests, about a dozen businesses burned to the ground, and dozens more looted. How is that helping anyone?
Now Al "Not-so" Sharpton, one of the heads of Race Bait, Inc. is heading to the area. Yeah... That should turn out well...
We owe the grand jury a debt of gratitude for following the law and not letting the "what ifs" to sway their decision to not indict Wilson. Their courage to do the right thing despite knowing what would ensue as a result of their decision, and should serve as an example to us all on doing what's right instead of what's expedient. (You listening, King DingleBarry?)
Darren Wilson acted appropriately, well within the law, and as good as it is to have Wilson vindicated, we must still remember that someone died during this incident, and many lives on both sides have been irrevocably altered. We need to put the race issue aside - especially since it literally had nothing to do with it - and realize that it's the facts that matter. It's the justice system, and its processes, that matters, and for that, we should all be thankful. ~ Hunter
22 November 2014
The Death Of The Old Republic
Thursday night, we witnessed what could very well be the death knell, the final nail in the coffin, of the United States as a nation, and as a Republic. What King DingleBarry has done with this one decree is say that the most recent elections held no meaning for him, that his policies, which he pointed out were on the ballot, were not soundly repudiated.
Thursday night, we ceased having a president. A self-styled king now rules in his stead. This king, which we were never meant to have, has decided that because he couldn't get some type of immigration reform through Congress (not even when he had control of the entirety of Congress), he has the absolute authority to change whole swaths of immigration law, onn his own. If you really stop to think about it, given the multitude of changes he's made to 0bamadontcare - again, on his own - this latest and most blatant foray into lawlessness isn't all that surprising.
Thursday night, a banana republic was created where a representative republic once existed. No longer citizens governed by the rule of law, we are now subjects of the Clown Prince, ruled by his whims and fancies. King DingleBarry has decreed that he will do as he damn well pleases, regardless of the will of the people. And make no mistake about it - November 4th was all about the people making their will known.
Now that it's been announced, the question now becomes - what can be done to stop it? It can't really be defunded, as the true effect isn't an action so much as an enforced inaction. Some states have already launched lawsuits, and some members of Congress have intimated they will do the same. I pray the courts take it up and rule against the Prince of Pique,and not just in the Republicans or conservatives favor, but in favor of the Constitution, and the Separation of Powers enumerated therein.
Thursday night, we witnessed something unparalleled in the history of America - the complete abrogation, even abandonment, of the presidential Oath of Office. The oath to "support and defend" the Constitution and "faithfully execute the laws" is one that should never be taken lightly, whether a lowly civil servant, a member of the military, a member of Congress, or the President of the United States. I know some will say that it's nothing new, that Congress and presidents past have broken their oaths before - to which I say never to this degree.
This cannot and WILL not stand. I, for one, will never bow before this, or any other king. There will be a reckoning for this Pretender to the throne, this Petulant Powermonger. I sincerely hope and pray that it's during my lifetime, as I don't want my children and grandchildren to have to clean up any more of our mess than is absolutely necessary. ~ Hunter
20 November 2014
A Short Lesson On Congress, Or Why The Senate Is So Screwed Up
Everyone knows what the House of Representatives is supposed to be - the voice of We the People. We select, through direct election, those people we think will most closely represent our social-economic-political beliefs to speak for us in our form of government. Hence the reason they've always been elected through direct election. The House was the only body in our federal government to have such elections, and here's the most important part - the only one MEANT to be directly elected.
The Senate, on the other hand, was meant to be the voice of their individual states, and only indirectly be a voice for the people.
The Founders, given their natural (and completely understandable) fear of a strong central government, wanted senators chosen by the state legislatures of the individual states. Their intent was to ensure that the federal government's power resided in the states. Hence the reason every state - from smallest to largest, least populated to most populated - have just two senators.
Until Woodrow Wilson, that is. That brilliant progressive, in his infinite wisdom, decided we'd be better served with directly electing our senators. Why? It's simple really - progressives, above all things, crave power. Not necessarily for themselves, but for the strong, overbearing, and centralized federal government that couldn't be had with senators that are beholden only to the states they represent. Progressives, liberals - call them what you will - all leftists believe that they know better what's best for you than you do - and what better way to enforce their vision of "best" than a government capable of intruding into every aspect of your life.
We are now forced to endure the likes of Harry Reid-iculous, John McCan't, Lindsey Graham, et al, because becoming a senator is more of a popularity contest than doing what's right for the state you serve.
Had the brilliance of the Founders been left as they intended, those senators (and many others throughout the years) wouldn't have lasted as long as they have, because the ones they damaged most - their state - would have removed them from office, and the rest of us wouldn't have gotten stuck with them. ~ Hunter
19 November 2014
Congressional Obstructionism: It's Not Who The Main Stream Media Says It Is
15 November 2014
The House That Obama Built
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - King DingleBarry (multiple occasions)
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." - King DingleBarry (multiple occassions)
"We have to pass the bill to see what's in it." - Former Speaker Nancy Piglosi
"I don't know who this Gruber character is." - Nancy Piglosi (apparently forgetting the existence of such small technological achievements like video recording, microphones, and the internet)
These are but a scant few of the lies surrounding the passage of the Petulant Pretender's legacy legislation. We, the informed people of the nation, were roundly excoriated for raising the alarm about it (even though everything we predicted has come to pass), being called racist, idiots, and a whole host of other vile epithets. We knew it was a lie, created with a lien based on lies, passed with the biggest lie of all, and cemented with a lie in SCOTUS.
Conventional wisdom would dictate that even those on the left would be angry by now, especially with their delicate sensibilities tweaked and supposed intellectual superiority having been downplayed as "stupid" by Gruber, one of the architects of the law.
Sadly, that's not the case, because - to the left - the ends justify the means, even if those ends are an abysmal failure (like all of liberalism).
But really, does it surprise - I mean truly surprise - anyone?
After all, liberalism is the biggest lie of all. ~ Hunter
11 November 2014
Veterans Day Salute
Thank you to all who have served this, the greatest nation in history. Without your sacrifices, the United States wouldn't be.
Thank you to those who serve now. May your sacrifices not be in vain.
Thank you to all who will serve in the future. May you stand strong, but never needed.
God bless all of our veterans, but especially my Pop-Pop, Riley, who fought the Nazis and is no longer with us; my father, Michael, who fought in Vietnam; and Tammy, one of the best friends I've ever had (and definitely the best internet wife ❤), a veteran of the Gulf War. Thank you for ensuring America remains free.
We didn't serve for the recognition. We served because it was the right thing to do.
We didn't serve to become one of the sheep. We served to keep the wolves at bay.
We didn't serve because we like death and destruction. We served to prevent those things from visiting us.
We didn't serve to save ourselves. We served to save you.
We didn't serve so we could kill. We served to keep you from dying at the hands of the enemy.
We served so you didn't have to...
06 November 2014
The Republican Mandate - And The Repudiation Of Liberalism
I keep hearing political pundits on TV, reading them online, from both sides of the aisle (although certainly many more from the left than right), who keep saying that even though the Republicans ran away with the midterms in historic fashion, they don't have a "mandate."
I'm sorry, but were they watching the same election results as the rest of the country? The rejection, repudiation, and outright dismissal of liberal policies could not have been made any more and absolutely crystal clear.
Republicans, for the first time in about twenty years, have firm ground under them. Their job now is to pull America up out of the ditch liberalism has driven her, and it can't be focused solely on stopping the Empty Suit's agenda, although that's undoubtedly a top priority.
They need to craft legislation that puts Americans back to work. Make America palatable to businesses again by ending unnecessary and burdensome regulations, purge the government from the marketplace as much as possible, as quickly as possible. Yesterday would be nice.
Corporate tax reform is another big issue. Billions upon billions of dollars are kept offshore by businesses to avoid double taxation - once from the host nation, then again by the U.S. Yeah... It's that crazy...
Build a damn fence along the southern border. Deport all illegals - period. Entering the U.S. illegally should forever disqualify you from working here, emigrating legally, or even visiting.
Reinstitute the Welfare to Work requirement and push for mandatory drug testing (that means it must be done, liberals) for welfare recipients. Tighten the restrictions on where and for what welfare money and food stamps can purchase and/or be used. Nobody should be able to buy a video game, or alcohol, or cigarettes, or marijuana.
Strengthen our military - again. There's more than enough wasteful spending in the defense budget that can be slashed, thus avoiding cutting personnel that want to be there. Above all else, TAKE CARE OF OUR VETERANS.
Reduce the size of the bureaucracies and their redundant programs. Root out the waste and fraud inherent in these bureaucracies. Make it easier to demote or fire public sector workers.
I don't often disagree with Rush Limbaugh, but I don't believe we won this election so handily solely to stop King DingleBarry in his tracks. The American people don't want a "do nothing Congress." We want a Congress that does what's right for America. ~ Hunter
05 November 2014
A Glorious Day For The Republic
Last night, in a massive repudiation of King DingleBarry's policies - and cronies - the Republican Party took control of the Senate by gaining seven seats (maybe eight - Alaska hasn't been called yet, but the Republican is leading), gained about ten more seats in the House, and won a boatload of gubernatorial races.
The question now is this - even tho this was a victory for Republicans, is it going to be a victory for We the People?
I believe it can be, but we must stay aware of what they're doing and hold them accountable. This is just the first step - albeit a big one - in retaking the U.S. and we canNOT be complacent. Complacency is what got us in this mess.
Keep the pressure on all our senators and representatives, but especially the Republicans. If the last six years have proven anything at all - it's that we can no longer sit back and watch. We must remain actively involved.
Like I said, this is merely the 1st step. There's more that needs doing, and this is a great start. Let's keep the pressure on. ~ Hunter
04 November 2014
What's Wrong With America: Voter Apathy
The only position I take on "the fix is already in" is that I don't believe it - not for a second. It's nearly impossible to comprehend that, in a nation where almost every secret is leaked by someone, somewhere, sometime, it's somehow possible to keep this cabal hidden. Sorry - just not buying it.
As for those who aren't voting - you are the problem. Or at least a very big part of it. As a citizen of the greatest nation ever set on this planet, you not only have the right to vote - it's your responsibility to exercise that right. Every last one of the rights enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights comes with the responsibility to USE THEM. Yes, it really is that simple.
If you can't bring yourself to drag your sorry a$$ off your couch to go to your local polling place and press a few buttons, you - yes, YOU - are an even bigger danger to this Republic than the liberals/socialists/communists.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is, by far, not the best of solutions, and certainly not what the Founders would have wanted. At the moment, however, we don't have a better option. By not voting, you're helping the greater evil win.
Don't believe me? Look at the 2012 presidential election. Upwards of 5 *MILLION* conservatives failed to vote. I agree that Romney was far from the ideal candidate (I would've preferred Cain or Gingrich), but he was certainly a better choice than allowing King DingleBarry a second term.
If you don't vote, if you don't at least make the attempt to help turn back the tide, how can you possibly have the temerity to complain about the direction we're going? By not exercising one of your moat basic rights as a citizen of the United States, you're acting just as selfishly as those who vote for the liberals ruining this great nation.
And that, my friends, makes ME sick - and makes YOU pretty damn contemptible. ~ Hunter