Donald Trump has shown himself to be a living, breathing, walking representation of every stereotype the Left has about Republicans.
If Trump wins the nomination, he won't just lose the general election, he'll lose it big. He's damaging the Republican brand, and while I'm a conservative before I'm a Republican, the G.O.P. is the only real place for conservatives to hang their hats. As sad as it is to say, conservatives need the Republican party in order to compete on a national level.
Mark my words, Republican voters will rue the day Trump threw his hat in the ring under the G.O.P. banner, let alone if he wins the nomination. He's not a conservative (as he has shown with his political stances in the past). In fact, from the outside looking in, I'd hesitate to say he's sane.
What amazes me most is that many of the people who decried Romney and McCain as the Republican nominees, claiming they weren't "conservative enough" are the same ones who now tout Donald Trump as a viable candidate. The dichotomy could not be stronger.
I'm perfectly aware of what he's tapped into, and I agree with the anger and frustration that's behind his support. However, I've also looked into his past politics - who he's supported, what positions he's taken on things such as abortion, taxes, healthcare, etc. - and realized that Trump is not who he's purporting himself to be. He's not a conservative - not even close. He's a DIRC: DemoKKKrat In Republican Clothes. Period.
Trump is a one trick pony with his illegal immigration stance, and while I agree that we need to secure the border, and do everything we can to deport all criminal aliens, I will not vote for someone without looking at the entire body politic of that candidate.
We, as conservatives, all agreed that McCain and Romney were somewhat left of conservatism - definitely progressives, but even they were to the right of Trump, so what does that tell you?
I get it. I really do. Trump is saying some of the things we want to hear from those who run for office, but if what he's saying is diametrically opposite of what he's said in the past, it's incumbent upon us, as conservative voters, to question the sudden about-face in position. Trump was, is, and forever will be a big government supporter, and given we have one in office now - and we all scream about it - do we really want to put another in his place simply because he has an (R) after his name?
I won't go so far as to say he's a demoKKKrat plant, as some others have. I do, however, think he's worse than any RINO who's ever run for, or held, any office. At least one can tell where a RINO stands on most issues. I really can't with Trump, mostly because he's a mass of contradictions, and I've followed politics for most of my life like most people follow sports. ~ Hunter