The amount of hate Megyn Kelly is getting over the debate is mystifying to me. Since when is asking tough questions out of character for Kelly?
Pushing a candidate hard for answers is her job, and if that candidate can't take the heat or doesn't like the question, perhaps he shouldn't be running for the highest office in the land.
Trump's record - and make no mistake about it, it is his record - is something he has to answer for and his treatment of women in the past is cause for concern. And if there was ever any doubt, just look at the things he's said about Megyn after the debate. He's sulking like a ten-year-old whose parents told him to go to his room.
Trump is a clown and a buffoon, and far out of his depth. He's used to getting his own way - all day, every day. His brash, rude behavior might be fine for a "reality" show or running a business (into 4 bankruptcies) but it isn't fitting for a presidential candidate, let alone a PRESIDENT. How far do you think that behavior will get him on the international stage?
"The Donald" isn't Reaganesque. Reagan was bold but tactful. He made clear where the United States stood without belittling anyone in a fit of rage. Trump is all flash and no substance, buffoonery wrapped in boorishness.
Instead of blasting Megyn Kelly for "attacking" Trump, we should be thanking her for exposing him as the fraud he is. It's amazing to me that people are still supporting him.
Look, I get it - Trump is popular right now. He's saying a lot of things that are resonating with a ton of people. I'm not buying it - not even a little bit.
He might be bold, but he's also crass and arrogant. He's certainly not presidential. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the only candidate I've seen recently as arrogant as Trump is King DingleBarry himself and even he isn't as crass about it.
Every true conservative has rightly pointed out that the U.S. no longer operates under a free-market system; that our politicians are bought and sold to the highest bidder and no longer represent We the People.
Who do you think is one of the aforementioned bidders? If you answered Trump, you're correct. He admitted as much in the debate. He pays, and they come running when he calls. Seriously, is that who we really want to lead this nation? I know *I* don't.
Trump has favored a single-payer healthcare system in the past, supported gun control, and I believe (though I'm not entirely sure) has stated that he's pro-choice. I'm not willing to put the rapidly disappearing future of this nation in the hands of someone who doesn't hold any of my values except when following the political winds.
Sorry, it's just not happening. ~ Hunter