20 November 2015

A Mishmash Of Low Information Stupidity

Woman Shot in her own Driveway

Linda Burnett, 26, a resident of San Diego, was visiting her in-laws and, while there, went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries.

Later, her husband noticed her sitting in her car in the driveway with the windows rolled up and her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. He became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open and she looked very strange. When he asked her if she was okay, Linda replied that she had been shot in the back of the head and had been holding her brains in for over an hour.

Her husband called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head.

A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered. Linda is a demoKKKrat, and a Hillary Clinton supporter, but we're sure that's just a coincidence.

For those who don't understand, this is what's called satire. It's not meant to be taken seriously, or literally. It is, however, a demonstration of the typical stupidity of the average Hillary voter. ~ Hunter

Context Matters

Imagine yourself walking down the street, minding your own business, window shopping for nothing in particular, and everything in general. You reach the corner, and when you glance up, you notice a business on the opposite corner, with this sign posted prominently out front. Reading it, your blood begins to boil.

I mean, what decent, red-blooded, patriotic American wouldn't be upset by this?

How dare they?!

By the time the light changes, allowing you to cross the street, you're positively fuming. You've decided you're going to march into the business, and read everyone in there, from the owner right on down to the lowliest employee, the riot act and you're not going to hold back.

Reaching the front door, seeing red, pulling the door open, you take a deep breath as you're about to start yelling at the first employee you see.

That's when you read the name of the business.

It's a funeral home.

The moral? Context matters. ~ Hunter

Dihydrogen Monoxide

There is an old, but little known, and even less researched environmental danger to worry about. Who needs to worry about CO2 emissions when we've got this to worry about?
It's called Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO), and it can be deadly!!!

Environmental Impact of Dihydrogen Monoxide
Due in part to its widespread use in industry, Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is involved in many environmental incidents each year. While most are unavoidable given current technology, there can be little doubt that the presence of DHMO in each significantly increases the negative impact to the environment.

DHMO is a “greenhouse gas,” an acid-rain “enabler,” and causes soil erosion. It is found in great quantities in all streams, rivers, ponds, and reservoirs around the globe. Even the oceans aren't immune – all “seven seas” are practically overflowing with it!!!

DHMO has been found in ice samples from both the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Industrial dumping of DHMO – the unseen villiany!!!

In spite of the recent movement to ban unlawful dumping of hazardous chemicals into waterways in the U.S. and abroad, release of massive quantities of DHMO continues. Industry cannot be held accountable entirely because lawmakers are reluctant to pass legislation to make most forms of dumping of DHMO illegal. Reasons for this could include pressures from corporate leaders, industry lobbyists, and even vested foreign governments. This governmental inaction is leading to nearly unregulated dumping, and may be one of the most overlooked environmental impacts of DHMO.

There are numerous surveys in which upwards of 60% of respondents favor a total ban on DHMO. High school and college students, Canadians – regular, everyday people. Surely, they must know something bad when they hear about it.


The consensus is clear – Dihydrogen Monoxide must be banned. After all, can we afford to put it off until it's too late?


BTW, Dihydrogen Monoxide is naturally occurring, life-giving and life-sustaining. Every living thing on the face of this planet needs it to survive. It's true!!!

Everyone needs................water.

Context matters. ~ Hunter


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, fans of all ages - gather 'round. Feast your eyes upon the world's first super-zero.

Able to tell massive lies without blinking, leap over logic in a single mighty bound, spy on his subjects without using x-ray vision, target his enemies without compunction (or warrants, probable cause, or even suspicion). The unparalleled ability to run a country into the ground without breaking a sweat, single-handedly bungle foreign relations with the majority of the world, and the absolute inability to count to TWO are just bonuses.

I hereby introduce....................Super DingleBarry!!! Behold the splendorous superciliousness, the natural narcissism, the auto-adulation, and the blatant bifurcation.

Personally, I prefer when he's not doing anything. That's less we're going to have to rectify when he's gone. ~ Hunter

14 November 2015

The "Participation Trophy" Generation Comes Of Age And It's Not Pretty

This is what our future looks like if we don't slap the stupid out of our children today.

People say conservatives are "greedy, selfish, uncaring" because we believe people should have to actually work for what they want in life.

I, however, submit that it's the Left that's greedy for wanting to take something that I work very hard to receive from me and give it to someone who didn't work for it.

I submit that it's the Left that's selfish for dictating to me what my "fair share" should be. If they want more to be paid to the government for their pet projects, there's no law against voluntarily paying more, as far as I know. Get to writing those checks, you insufferable imbeciles.

I submit that it's the Left who are uncaring, because they can see that their handout programs DO NOT WORK yet they don't want to change them. Their schools don't work (as evidenced by the video), yet they refuse to allow parents to choose to what school they wish to send their kids. Their economics don't work, yet they refuse to cut spending more than we take in, driving this nation more and more bankrupt every day.

As for this moron in the video - and make no mistake, she is a moron of the highest magnitude - how is it not considered greedy and selfish to expect to receive the fruits of someone else's labor without fair compensation? How is it not uncaring to expect others to pay more in taxes than what you, yourself, are willing to pay?

This insipid idiot actually believes that she - and others like her - are entitled to a "free" education, no debt for receiving that education, and to get paid more money per hour working low- and unskilled positions than I make as a machinist - a job that actually requires at least a modicum of skills.

Get over yourself, window-licker. Nobody "owes" you anything that you didn't work to get. That's life, and guess what - LIFE ISN'T FAIR. Not everyone gets a trophy in the real world, some people really are better/smarter/faster/stronger than you in whatever you choose to do, and not everyone starts out as The Boss.

We, as parents, need to wake up to the damage the Left has done to our children, the nation, the very future. There are no "participation trophies" in the real world, regardless of your definition of "real world." Our primary job as parents is to prepare our children for life after we're gone. Frankly, and as much as i hate to say it, we are failing miserably. ~ Hunter

01 November 2015

Oh Deer...

Ashland, Oregon has a deer problem. Not your usual "a deer ate my garden" problem, but "a deer attacked me in my driveway" kind of problem.

The mayor of Ashland, who says he was "stalked" by a doe in his own backyard, called a "Deer Summit" for residents of the town to discuss the issue.

Watching various snippets of the testimony presented by residents, I noticed there are many who want an organized culling of the herd - a "cull" is killing a percentage of the herd to immediately reduce the population. Many residents favor some sort of "birth control" option for the deer, an acceptable long-term solution but does nothing to alleviate the present solution. In reality, both options should be used in conjunction with each other.

The cull, just so you know, has already been shot down - pun intended. One city council member actually said, "We need to learn to live side-by-side with the deer." Because that's working out so well for the residents you're supposed to represent, isn't it?

One clip of a woman testifying - reading from a script is more likely - really grabbed my attention and prompted this post. She actually said, and I quote, "Do you really want the blood of our peaceful neighbors on your hands?"

So let's get this straight - we create a problem by destroying the natural predator of deer, the wolf. We exacerbate the problem by feeding the deer and getting them used to humans - to the point they'll actually pose for pictures with people. In fairness to the town government, it's now illegal to feed deer - punishable by a fine up to $475, if I recall correctly, although the police have yet to write any actual citations, opting for warnings instead.

What we won't do, however, is actually take care of the problem. We'll just ignore the root cause of it, pretend it doesn't exist, and throw money at it.

In a town of about 21,000 residents, people hit an average of sixty-five deer annually with their vehicles, leading to more - and ultimately unnecessary - work for police and other first responders and higher auto insurance rates for the other residents of Ashland.

Oregon is almost exclusively left-wing (although I don't know about Ashland's mayor or city council with any certainty), particularly in government, so honestly, something like this really shouldn't surprise me, yet I admit to being mildly befuddled when the solution to a very simple issue is right in front of them.

Then again, liberals are morons. ~ Hunter