Anyone who knows anything about our founding documents can tell you that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are inextricably linked. You cannot separate the two from each other.
The Declaration is essentially an outline for the Constitution, and in that outline, it says that our rights come from God and that government's sole purpose - it's reason for existence, as it were - is to protect and safeguard those rights.
The Constitution of the United States is unique among the constitutions of the world in that it literally spells out what rights we already have and specifically limits what the government can do to impact those rights.
Nowhere in this document will you find a "right" to an education, housing, or healthcare. It's not the federal government's job to provide those things for Americans.
Last night, during the CNN Town Hall, Donald Trump was asked what he thought were the top three functions of the federal government were. After attempting to skirt the issue by making a lame joke, saying "Security, security, security," Trump's inner progressive reared it's ugly head and proclaimed that healthcare, education and housing were top priorities for the federal government.
I'm not making that up.
As I posted on my personal Facebook page last night, right after he said it, that answer alone should disqualify him from consideration for the presidency. If his supporters could get past their emotions for more time than it takes to change the television channel, perhaps they would realize just how much he sounds like Obama, Clinton, and Sanders.
I don't know about you, but I'm not holding my breath on that awakening. The evidence is right there, laid bare at their feet and for all the world to see. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Trump is not who he claims to be.
It's maddeningly sad to watch otherwise intelligent people fall victim to a conman, especially when the con being run isn't the least bit subtle. The difference between Trump's con and your everyday, garden variety con is that Trump's con leads to the destruction of the nation, not just one person.
For that, there can be no forgiveness. ~ Hunter