19 May 2014

Jerry Brown, MENSA Member

Folks, this is one for the record books. Seriously, we've known for years that former, and present, Governor of California, Jerry Brown is a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but his latest attempt, and I cannot emphasize attempt enough, at intelligent discourse is laughable by orders of magnitude.

Gov. Brown, MENSA member extraordinaire, has decreed that the wildfires plaguing California at the moment are the result of...........wait for it...........global warming.

Yes, you did, indeed, read that correctly.

The Republican Party is "in denial" about climate change, California Gov. Jerry Brown said on Sunday, suggesting the wildfires in his state were related to global warming.

As we send billions and billions of tons of heat-trapping gases, we get heat and we get fires and we get what we’re seeing," the Democratic governor said on ABC's "This Week." Major wildfires in the San Diego area, due in part to extreme drought, forced thousands of residents in the area to evacuate.

Humanity is on a collision course with nature, and we’re just going to have to adapt to it the best we can," he added.

The governor also took a swipe at Republicans for denying climate change, which he said was likely to blame for the increase in wildfires. “It is true that there’s virtually no Republican who accepts the science that virtually is unanimous," Brown said. "There is no scientific question. There’s just political denial for various reasons best known to those people in denial. But whatever the thoughts of the Republicans, we in California are on the front lines.”

I, and others far better, have written extensively about the absolute myth of human-caused global warming. I'm not a scientist, but I do understand that science is never settled, and as virtually all of the computer models that global warming believers use have been wildly wrong, the facts are generally on our side, at least for the time being. Our understanding of things we've taken for granted for decades is changing every day based on new studies, etc. Anyone who says the science is irrefutable is pushing a political and/or economic agenda. They've also neglected to tell these scientists, all of whom have impeccable credentials, not to mention a number of them were virulent believers of the global warming movement.

It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid liberals can be. It's almost as if they beg people to ridicule them. They certainly don't make it difficult to do so, and Jerry Brown is one of the easiest. Then again, that puts him on the same level with the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Lee.

I feel for ya, California. I really do. ~ Hunter

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