04 June 2014

La Raza And The President: Birds Of A Feather

My friend, Buck Ofama, guest posts tonight, with his thoughts about the Taliban prisoner swap and the Marine being held in Mexico. I think Buck makes some excellent points. ~ Hunter

Here's a couple of thoughts about the plight of American Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi being held in a Mexican prison for the last 2 months. First of all, he is an illegal alien who has violated their laws. Second, he wants to come home. He has no intentions of staying there. He has no intentions of becoming a drain on the Mexican public services. He is not going to work there taking a job away from a legitimate Mexican citizen and send his earnings back across the border to his family here in the U.S.; thus cheating Mexico out of tax revenue. He is not going to claim family members on his Mexican tax forms that allow him to siphon more money from the Mexican tax coffers (if they are dumb enough to allow such exemptions). He is not going to cause social unrest by joining groups that demand instant citizenship. The kid made a mistake. He crossed the border with a lot of his belongings; some of which included weapons that his grandfather gave him and some that he collected along the way in his young life.

My questions to Mexican activists here in the U.S. (and those that support them) are: Why are you silent? This kid is being beaten, hog tied, and chained to his bed. He is being tortured. His mother was forced to wait two days outside the prison before she could see him and when she did get to see him she was subjected to a strip search. Where is your outrage of how your country is treating an undocumented person who has crossed the border and broken the law? Hmm? Our prisons are full of your kind. You are treated humanely. How would you like it if we suddenly started treating illegal aliens the way your home country treats them? Huh? With merciless brutality. With no due process. With no dignity. With no human rights. Would you like that?

You hypocrites. You want to usurp our immigration laws, suffer no consequences, take advantage of our public services; and still complain that you have it bad because you aren't being made citizens fast enough, but nary a peep out of you when your country brutalizes a kid who clearly made a mistake and who doesn't even want to be in your craphole of a country! You'll never be valid Americans until you stand up for what is right and just. Instead, you're just another in the long line of the entitled; looking for a teat on the sacred cow of America.

And to our president: You made a big to-do about trading five high value Taliban detainees from Gitmo for one U.S. soldier who, by all accounts, deserted his post, left his weapon and body armor behind, and walked to the other side. He wasn't captured sir. At best, he surrendered. At worst, he collaborated with the enemy. So I wouldn't really categorize him as a P.O.W. And on top of that, 6 brave soldiers died trying to find him. And this is the person you choose to celebrate? This is such a high value "prisoner" that his return merits giving up, what many have said, is the brain trust of the Taliban? But you have yet to utter one peep about Sgt Tahmooressi's plight? Could it be that you don't want to ruffle any of those Mexican feathers because you have some important legislation and votes on the horizon? You know? You are pretty transparent sometimes. ~ Buck Ofama

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