27 September 2014

Should The U.S. Be The World's Policeman?

I'm sitting here watching FNC's Bulls and Bears (I think), and I hear some twit asking if the U.S. really needs to be the world's policeman, specifically asking, "Do we need to be in Germany?"

As much as I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn't be the "world's policeman," one question comes to mind when I hear someone make that statement - If not the U.S., then who?

What other nation has the power projection? What other country has the track record we do? Russia? China? If those nation's project their power, it's only to invade and occupy, or "annex," like Crimea.

The United States has been, is now, and will be the only global force for good in history. We are the only ones who can do it, and people who believe that it's not in our national security interests to do so are dangerously naive.

It's one thing to stay out of other nation's internal affairs when one political ideology is squabbling with another ideology, but when an ideology's stated goal is the destruction of western ideals and they've been willing to put action behind those thoughts, as is the case with Islamic terror groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, then we are obligated, in my opinion, to take whatever actions are necessary to ensure our safety and the safety of our allies.

None of this means the U.S. needs to be involved in every brush war that pops up everywhere across the globe, nor does it mean we should be "nation building." It simply means that we can't hunker down, with our heads in the sand, and just wait for the problem to clear itself up, or worse yet, make its way to our shores before we act.

It's past time to stop worrying about what other nations think about the U.S. and start worrying about making sure we're safe. ~ Hunter

11 September 2014

Bob Beckel Says U.S. Should "Move On" From 9/11.......Really

"It's time for America to move on," says Bob Beckel, The Five's resident liberal jackass (yes, I know that's redundant), referring to 9/11.

Really, Bob? REALLY?!?! THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE DIED THAT DAY, you syphilitic psychopath. That ALONE ...makes it worthy of remembrance until the end of time.

Let me ask you, Bobbie (female spelling because you're completely emasculated) - should we "move on" from remembering Pearl Harbor?

Should we "move on" from remembering our Declaration of Independence from an oppressive and overbearing government, so like the one we have RIGHT NOW?

Should we "move on" from remembering our victories in Europe and the Pacific and the price we paid to obtain them?

Should we "move on" from remembrances of our honored dead very Memorial Day, thus cheapening their sacrifices to the point of NOTHINGNESS? Just give them an "attaboy" pat on the coffin and "move on" to the next one, right Bobbie?

It's called HISTORY, you window-licking crayon-eater. The events of that day are part of the very fabric of this nation, no less important than any of the other events I listed.

I've been following politics since I was about 10 years old like most people follow their favorite sports teams. In those 34-plus years, I can't recall a more RIDICULOUS statement made by a liberal (or ANYONE for that matter). It's no secret that I absolutely LOATHE all things liberal, but Bobbie Beckel has just made himself the most despised liberal on a VERY lengthy list. ~ Hunter

06 September 2014

More Truth About Islam

23,770: In the 29 days since my last post on this subject, the followers of mohammed (all mentions of anything muslim are in lowercase letters to denote my disrespect) have been very busy, committing 186 attacks, with fatalities -  an average of over 6 per day.

Fifty-one, including a Syrian child who was crucified, have been killed in 6 known attacks committed between 02 SEP and 05 SEP, an average of almost 13 people a day.

The number of Christians who killed in the name of Christianity............*crickets chirping* That's right - NONE.

Between 23 AUG 14 and 29 AUG 14, there were:

44 jihad attacks
6 “allahu akbar” suicide attacks
700 dead bodies (that's 100 per day
433 critically injured in these attacks

Very busy week.

August 2014 totals:

222 jihad attacks
27 countries
24 "allahu akbars"
4573 dead bodies (averaging almost 148 people murdered in the name of allah per day)
2287 critically injured

The numbers for the entirety of 2013 are bringing the reality of the “religion” of “peace” will bring some additional clarity to this post:

2801 jihad attacks
51 countries
16,170 dead bodies (average of just under 86 people killed PER DAY)
29,432 critically injured

To put this in a little perspective, the estimate - which is based on new, very thorough research - of people killed during the entire *500* years of the Medieval and the Spanish Inquisitions is about 6,000 deaths. While those deaths are reprehensible, and all Catholics lament them, it's not quite the same, is it? The acknowledged average estimate is around 30,000.

I have no patience for the people who say "islam is a religion of peace" or "Christianity is just as bad." When I challenge them to prove it, they ALWAYS bring up the Crusades (which I've debunked here, or the Inquisitions (debunked here). I'm sorry, but if you have to go back at least 500 years to come up with a comparison that's tenuous, at best, to what's happening before your very eyes, well.....it's not really much of a comparison, is it? ~ Hunter

05 September 2014

Are You Ready For The Department Of Parental Suitability?

In addition to the pages I help run, I belong to a few private Facebook groups for conservatives. They're groups for conservatives to get together, share ideas, gather facts, and just generally have fun making fun of the socialist morons we call "liberals."

(As an aside, I absolutely LOATHE using that word for them. Allowing them to claim they're standing for freedom puts true liberals - you know, the conservatives that stand with the Founders and Framers - at an immense disadvantage. We need to reclaim that word.)

The reason I bring up the groups is because late into the night a couple of days ago, I was engaged in a debate with a fellow conservative in the comment thread of this story, which is the Chicks On The Right commentary about this story.

The subject of our debate was this conservative's insistence upon setting standards for becoming - and remaining - a parent as a way to keep people off, or remove them from, government assistance programs. He didn't just insist upon standards, though; he wants to set up a government bureaucracy - a "Department of Parental Suitability," if you will - in order to administer his "objective test" for prospective and current parents.

Yes... You did read that correctly.

I have often said that conservatives need to bring the fight to liberals using the same tactics liberals use. That means flooding liberal pages with conservatives, but instead of using "what ifs" or feelings, we need to use the facts that most conservatives usually have on hand. Overwhelm them. Get down and dirty, call the names like they do to us, It's long past time to adjust our fighting style to match theirs. I did NOT mean to use the same WEAPONS.

According to this conservative's grand plan, the idea is to establish some sort of "objective test" to determine whether one is suitable to become a parent. The criteria includes your financial situation (salary, savings, home ownership, etc.), drinking and smoking habits, marital situation. Practically every aspect of your life will be laid bare before some faceless, "objective" government worker. Sounds a little Nazi-esque to me.

Basically, his proposal means that you have to earn a certain amount, lose the right to do as you please within the law, and accede to the demands of others in how you live your life. When he made this proposal, I literally had to check to make sure right and left hadn't changed places when I wasn't looking. Fortunately, King DingleBarry was making some patently ridiculous statement at the time and Ronaldus Magnus was still credited with ushering in the single longest peacetime economic expansion in the history of the world, so I figured it out pretty quickly.

My immediate response, along with several other people in the group, was to tell him that to invite more government intrusion into our lives runs counter to everything conservatives believe, and that using his "remove people from the government dole" excuse wasn't sufficient reason to expand the government into areas it was never designed to go. Good intentions aren't enough to ensure the system won't be abused.

How long before a Lois Lerner wannabe decides to start asking, "How conservative are you" to determine suitability for parenting? Think that can't happen? I'm fairly certain that the conservative groups that filed for their tax exempt status didn't think it could happen to them, either. Can you say "unintended consequences?"

The bottom line is that doing "good" at the point of a gun - which is what government is - isn't really doing good at all. It's just doing less bad. Our position as conservatives should always be on the side of less government, as the Founders intended. When modern liberal ideas start creeping into conservatism, we might as well switch sides. It is ridiculous to invite the government deeper into our lives, especially under the guise of "doing good." It's never worked before. All one need do is review the welfare system. The poverty rate has remained virtually unchanged in the fifty-plus years since LBJ declared his "War on Poverty."

While I agree with the overall premise that the breakdown of the nuclear family is one of the central reasons for the "need" for welfare, but in true liberal fashion, welfare is a major cause of that family breakdown. I submit, however, that being single should not be a disqualifier to becoming, or remaining, a parent. I was a single father, with custody for seven years before meeting my now-wife. On top of that, I was dirt poor (another disqualifier under his proposal). I challenge anyone to find a more respectful, better adjusted child than my son. No, my situation wasn't ideal for raising a child, but it clearly worked. I've also known two parent households, in what would be ideal conditions according to the "objective test," that aren't worth a damn. The point is this: parenting situations are not static, nor is one situation identical to another.

As I said earlier, good intentions aren't enough of a safeguard against further government interference in our lives. There isn't a single government program that has stayed within its initial parameters. Ever. Why would this one be any different?

If we don't guard against this kind of thinking, we're essentially no different than those we profess to be fighting against, and this nation really will be lost. FOREVER. ~ Hunter