The outward "Holy Grail" of liberalism. On its face, and without the surrounding context that's needed, equality seems like a worthy goal.
Seriously, who wouldn't want a world where literally nobody would want for anything? Or have a serious reason to complain about anything?
Like I said - it seems like a worthy goal. Something for which everyone should strive to achieve. Or so liberals assume...
The problem is that - and I know that this will be a shock to any liberals who read this - NO ONE PERSON IS ACTUALLY "EQUAL" TO ANY OTHER.
Every person on this planet is different - we all want different things out of life. We have different interests, different likes, needs, desires.
Some people are smarter than everyone else.
Somewhere on this planet, there's a person that some people will think is more attractive than you (unless you're Lena Dunham - then everyone is more attractive than you).
Some people are funnier than others. Some have better eyesight, sense of smell, more sensitive touch, more empathetic.
Some understand things and people better than you and I.
Some people just have better luck.
We look different, speak differently, act differently.
Some are more ambitious than others - the drive to be the BEST at whatever their chosen activity fuels them to make the strides necessary to do that. Whether they actually ACHIEVE that goal is immaterial - what matters is the attempt.
Some are more content with staying "middle of the road." They don't like to call too much attention to themselves - be it good or bad attention - and that's perfectly fine for them.
Nobody I have ever met is bound and determined to be the absolute WORST at whatever they set out to do. I don't think that's even a part of human nature.
Liberals - all of this is OK. It's actually good to be different than everyone around you. It should be encouraged.
I have often said that the Constitution is our most important founding document. It is the foundation of our entire society, our national identity. Its uniqueness has ensured our freedoms for two-plus centuries. No other nation's founding documents specifically tell the government what it can and cannot do to its citizens. None that I am aware of, at least.
Lately, however, I've been thinking that our most important founding document is the Declaration of Independence - particularly the phrase "all men are created equal." Liberals - take note that it says we are created equal, not that we are equal. We're not equal, nor have we ever been. For all the differences I've listed above, there are countless other examples.
There is an old adage that runs something like "Only two things in life are certain - death and taxes." Again liberals, take note of the rather glaring absence of the word "equality."
What the Founders knew, and what liberals have forgotten (or most likely ignore), is that it was never meant for our outcomes to be equal. It was our opportunity to pursue those outcomes that was to be equal.
In the United States, everyone starts on as level a playing field as is humanly possible. Your accident of birth doesn't determine how far you can go in your life. Your ability to use the opportunities inherent in being an American to your advantage determine your outcome. Yes, there's always a certain amount of luck involved, but the lion's share is up to YOU.
A better way of saying it is - The equality is in the opportunity to chase that which you most desire. Catching what you desire most is entirely up to you. ~ Hunter
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