I have long said that the Constitution is my guide, that I will never accept another, except God. It's fortunate that the Constitution is based upon, and follows, God's Law faithfully. Well, it does when it's followed the way it was intended to be followed.
I believe that - as Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence, and is codified in the Constitution - that all mankind are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - these thing mean something very real to me, and others like me. There's a reason the United States, still one of the youngest nations on the planet, became so powerful, so rich, so influential as quickly as she did. That reason - the freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution.
No nation of which I am aware has a Constitution like ours. People flocked to our shores BECAUSE our Constitution guaranteed the rights their home countries would not. People STILL come here for that reason.
This is the only nation on Earth where someone who took the Oath of Citizenship an hour ago be considered just as much a part of the nation as someone whose family has been here since the 1600's - because America is an idea just as much, if not more, than a nation of borders.
This nation, this great experiment in self-governance, was built upon the foundation of the Constitution. On that foundation, two cornerstones were laid - individual liberty and the Rule of Law. These two cornerstones are interrelated, or they used to be, because of one thing - personal responsibility.
Sadly, however, a great number of people no longer believe in personal responsibility, individual liberty, and the Rule of Law. Where we were once a moral people, a nation based on Judeo-Christian values with a strong moral code, we are a nation of moral relativism, moral ambiguity.
More and more people have the view that individual liberty must be supplanted by the "greater good." What this means - to me, anyway - is that the many count more than the few, or the one. But who decides what's best for the many?
I utterly reject the notion that the majority is greater than the individual. In a morally strong society, what's best for the individual is also what's best for the group. When all are individually strong, the whole is made stronger. What's best for group is all too often NOT what's best for the individual.
We, as a nation, have to reestablish the principles of individual liberty and adherence to the Rule of Law. We must enforce the idea of personal responsibility - that ALL people are responsible for their own life, their own liberty, their own happiness, and not to depend on the government for everything.
We are failing the future generations of this nation. We have not been good stewards of what we were given. We have allowed too many people to muck about for far too long and change things that should never have been changed.
We stand upon the precipice. We are on the brink of losing everything. We sit on the verge of a failure so huge the world may never recover. We can either watch it happen and lament its happening, or we can do something about it.
What's it going to be, America? We're running out of time. ~ Hunter
22 June 2015
18 June 2015
The Evil Is In The Heart, Not The Tool
With last night's shootings in South Carolina have come the inevitable and all too predictable calls for more gun control laws. One of the favorite arguments is - You need a license to drive and you have to register a car, so why shouldn't you have to do that with a gun?
Allow me to answer...
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Owning a firearm is a right. The Founders envisioned an armed populace - and a populace so powerful that they couldn't be overpowered from outside influences nor, and more importantly, from within.
Allow me to answer...
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Owning a firearm is a right. The Founders envisioned an armed populace - and a populace so powerful that they couldn't be overpowered from outside influences nor, and more importantly, from within.
None of the Left's arguments get to the root of the problem: the degradation - outright devaluation, really - of human life. "We're no better than animals," we're told. Yet people are shocked when we treat one another as animals.
We no longer have shooting teams in schools, yet when we did there were no school shootings. Funny how that works, isn't it?
In towns and cities where gun laws are lax, there is little violent crime, yet the reverse is true in towns and cities where gun laws are stringent. But there's no correlation there, right?
We no longer teach our children to revere human life, to cherish it. Instead we teach that the murder of pre-born human beings is a "right" and then have the temerity to wonder why kids take other's lives so readily and callously. We no longer teach our children to respect the awesome power of a firearm, instead we teach them to have an unhealthy fear of a TOOL.
That's all a firearm is - a tool.
Liberalism is a mental defect, a moral repugnancy, and I live for the day when people realize it and stamp it out for the good of all mankind. ~ Hunter
We no longer have shooting teams in schools, yet when we did there were no school shootings. Funny how that works, isn't it?
In towns and cities where gun laws are lax, there is little violent crime, yet the reverse is true in towns and cities where gun laws are stringent. But there's no correlation there, right?
We no longer teach our children to revere human life, to cherish it. Instead we teach that the murder of pre-born human beings is a "right" and then have the temerity to wonder why kids take other's lives so readily and callously. We no longer teach our children to respect the awesome power of a firearm, instead we teach them to have an unhealthy fear of a TOOL.
That's all a firearm is - a tool.
Liberalism is a mental defect, a moral repugnancy, and I live for the day when people realize it and stamp it out for the good of all mankind. ~ Hunter
16 June 2015
Free Speech: If We Lose That, America Is Done
Recently, the comedian Jerry Seinfeld declared that he would no longer perform on college campuses, joining Chris Rock and several others in that sentiment. Seinfeld says that the atmosphere of political correctness makes it impossible for comics to play a college. He's right.
This is the United States of America. The very first amendment to the Constitution, the cornerstone of our society, is the right to free speech. That guarantee was meant specifically to protect unpopular, possibly offensive, speech. There is no inherent obligation for others to listen to that speech, but the right of the speaker to say it is inviolable.
Or it used to be.
Today, we have "free speech zones" on college campuses, meaning that if you want to say something that might offend someone else you must be in one of those zones when you say it or face disciplinary measures. It isn't just private colleges with "free speech zones." Public colleges have them, as well as colleges that take our tax dollars.
Private institutions can, and should, have their own rules. If they want to ban free speech, it's within their rights to do so. They will eventually pay the price when people stop using their services, buying their products, etc.
The fact is that colleges and universities are fast becoming the places where individual freedoms and critical thought go to die, which is diametrically opposite what they should be.
Any public institution, or an institution that takes public money, should be the staunchest DEFENDERS of free speech anywhere on campus.
You may ask why I single them out specifically. That's easy. Using the liberal thought process, which is so ridiculously simple that an underachieving 2nd grader can follow it.
If the government is the guarantor of the fallacious "separation of Church and State" in that prayer and religious symbolism should not and cannot be on or in public properties, i.e., schools, courthouses, and other government buildings, and that's in keeping with the religious freedom portion of the 1st Amendment, should it not also follow that the government is the guarantor of the free speech portion of the same amendment on public lands?
Why one and not the other?
If we lose the freedom of speech, this nation is gone, and gone forever. We must take a stand against the tyranny of political correctness.
The time is now. ~ Hunter
02 June 2015
Celebrating The Death Of The Truth
I found this comment on Matt Walsh's Facebook post that linked to the article he wrote about the Bruce Jenner hysteria playing itself out since the Vanity Fair picture was unveiled. It intrigued me so much that I had to share it here, with the owners permission, of course.
Darius Tomuta wrote:
"No Bruce. You are not a woman. You may have fake breasts, long hair, a great cosmetologist, and a professional photographer, but over all that, you really have a disorder. A psychological disorder."
Confusion, disorganization, irregularity, dysfunction, disturbance.
Gender Identity Disorder
In other words,
Gender Identity Confusion
Gender Identity Disorganization
Gender identity Irregularity
Gender Identity Dysfunction
Gender Identity Disturbance
Does this sound like something we as a society should be promoting through psychological and surgical means?
Normally, treatment for mental disorders involves some attempt toward reversing or reducing symptoms of the disorder.
For Anorexia Disorder, the goal is to stop starving yourself.
For Binge Eating Disorder, the goal is to stop stuffing yourself.
For Anxiety Disorder, the goal is to stop stressing yourself.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Anorexic Disorder that they looked overweight.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Binge Eating Disorder that they are completely healthy.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Anxiety Disorder that their anti-anxiety medication could kill them.
You would not be promoting the disordered individual's well being. You would not be promoting order, but disorder.
And yet this is exactly what our society is doing with Gender Identity Disorder; rewriting all the rulebooks that once called it a mental illness and instead promoting and advancing that mental illness as a normal lifestyle option. The system is changing to classify this specific mental disorder as normal and accepted, pushing sexually confused men, women, and even children further into their sexual confusion.
Progressive parents are sadly nurturing this by administering hormone therapy to their children to delay puberty in preparation for gender reassignment surgery, buying them clothes that belong on the opposite sex, and even changing their legal names to conform to their child's confusion rather than nurturing and rearing them consistently with the gender that was assigned to them at birth.
I'm not a parent, but I know that kids have imaginations. I was a kid once. When I was about 7, I remember playing house with my sisters and their friends. I remember walking down the aisle (hallway) with my neighbor. We had all decided (imagined) that I was the husband. Should we have stopped at our imaginations? Should our parents have booked a venue, rented tuxedos and dresses, met with a jeweler, and invited all my friends from school?
Yeah... No.
Kids imagine. Kids imagine and even play games where they are a member of the opposite sex. Adults are usually (usually) more realistic. Should parents really promote imagination as reality? Apparently, many adults have great imaginations too, because that's exactly what they are doing when they promote the idea that a male can become a female or that a female can become a male: a physical, anatomical, sexual, reproductive, hormonal, emotional, relational, and societal impossibility. Yes. Impossibility.
I wholeheartedly agree with Darius' comment, as well as Matt Walsh's article, especially when Matt asserts that feminism and transgenderism cannot coexist. In fact, logically speaking, they should cancel each other out.
We've been lectured for decades now that looks, thoughts, and clothing don't make a woman, well, a woman. Suddenly, along comes a guy, who thinks he's a woman, who pays a great deal of money to acquire just the things we've been told are not what makes a woman, and he/she is considered a hero? No, that's not dichotomous at all.
Not long before I left work today, I heard something on the radio that sums up this entire situation perfectly:
"When we celebrate Bruce Jenner's "courage" we are also celebrating the death of objective truth, and making dysfunction acceptable - even admirable - merely on the basis of celebrity."
I don't think it gets any truer than that. ~ Hunter
Darius Tomuta wrote:
"No Bruce. You are not a woman. You may have fake breasts, long hair, a great cosmetologist, and a professional photographer, but over all that, you really have a disorder. A psychological disorder."
Confusion, disorganization, irregularity, dysfunction, disturbance.
Gender Identity Disorder
In other words,
Gender Identity Confusion
Gender Identity Disorganization
Gender identity Irregularity
Gender Identity Dysfunction
Gender Identity Disturbance
Does this sound like something we as a society should be promoting through psychological and surgical means?
Normally, treatment for mental disorders involves some attempt toward reversing or reducing symptoms of the disorder.
For Anorexia Disorder, the goal is to stop starving yourself.
For Binge Eating Disorder, the goal is to stop stuffing yourself.
For Anxiety Disorder, the goal is to stop stressing yourself.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Anorexic Disorder that they looked overweight.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Binge Eating Disorder that they are completely healthy.
How ridiculous would it be to tell a person with Anxiety Disorder that their anti-anxiety medication could kill them.
You would not be promoting the disordered individual's well being. You would not be promoting order, but disorder.
And yet this is exactly what our society is doing with Gender Identity Disorder; rewriting all the rulebooks that once called it a mental illness and instead promoting and advancing that mental illness as a normal lifestyle option. The system is changing to classify this specific mental disorder as normal and accepted, pushing sexually confused men, women, and even children further into their sexual confusion.
Progressive parents are sadly nurturing this by administering hormone therapy to their children to delay puberty in preparation for gender reassignment surgery, buying them clothes that belong on the opposite sex, and even changing their legal names to conform to their child's confusion rather than nurturing and rearing them consistently with the gender that was assigned to them at birth.
I'm not a parent, but I know that kids have imaginations. I was a kid once. When I was about 7, I remember playing house with my sisters and their friends. I remember walking down the aisle (hallway) with my neighbor. We had all decided (imagined) that I was the husband. Should we have stopped at our imaginations? Should our parents have booked a venue, rented tuxedos and dresses, met with a jeweler, and invited all my friends from school?
Yeah... No.
Kids imagine. Kids imagine and even play games where they are a member of the opposite sex. Adults are usually (usually) more realistic. Should parents really promote imagination as reality? Apparently, many adults have great imaginations too, because that's exactly what they are doing when they promote the idea that a male can become a female or that a female can become a male: a physical, anatomical, sexual, reproductive, hormonal, emotional, relational, and societal impossibility. Yes. Impossibility.
* * *
I wholeheartedly agree with Darius' comment, as well as Matt Walsh's article, especially when Matt asserts that feminism and transgenderism cannot coexist. In fact, logically speaking, they should cancel each other out.
We've been lectured for decades now that looks, thoughts, and clothing don't make a woman, well, a woman. Suddenly, along comes a guy, who thinks he's a woman, who pays a great deal of money to acquire just the things we've been told are not what makes a woman, and he/she is considered a hero? No, that's not dichotomous at all.
Not long before I left work today, I heard something on the radio that sums up this entire situation perfectly:
"When we celebrate Bruce Jenner's "courage" we are also celebrating the death of objective truth, and making dysfunction acceptable - even admirable - merely on the basis of celebrity."
I don't think it gets any truer than that. ~ Hunter
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