18 June 2015

The Evil Is In The Heart, Not The Tool

With last night's shootings in South Carolina have come the inevitable and all too predictable calls for more gun control laws. One of the favorite arguments is - You need a license to drive and you have to register a car, so why shouldn't you have to do that with a gun?

Allow me to answer...

Driving is a privilege, not a right. Owning a firearm is a right. The Founders envisioned an armed populace - and a populace so powerful that they couldn't be overpowered from outside influences nor, and more importantly, from within.

None of the Left's arguments get to the root of the problem: the degradation - outright devaluation, really - of human life. "We're no better than animals," we're told. Yet people are shocked when we treat one another as animals.

We no longer have shooting teams in schools, yet when we did there were no school shootings. Funny how that works, isn't it?

In towns and cities where gun laws are lax, there is little violent crime, yet the reverse is true in towns and cities where gun laws are stringent. But there's no correlation there, right?

We no longer teach our children to revere human life, to cherish it. Instead we teach that the murder of pre-born human beings is a "right" and then have the temerity to wonder why kids take other's lives so readily and callously. We no longer teach our children to respect the awesome power of a firearm, instead we teach them to have an unhealthy fear of a TOOL.

That's all a firearm is - a tool.

Liberalism is a mental defect, a moral repugnancy, and I live for the day when people realize it and stamp it out for the good of all mankind. ~ Hunter

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