21 February 2016

No, I Will NOT Vote For Trump, Even If He IS The Nominee

If you ask me will I vote for Trump in the general if he's the nominee, you don't know me very well.
I'm a conservative far more than a Republican. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for someone who's been a liberal to his core for his entire adult life.
We were told in 2008 and 2012 that we had to nominate "moderates" to win. They LOST.
The difference between then and now, however, could not be more readily apparent. Today, we have a true Constitutional Conservative running; something we did not have in '08 & '12. Do any of you remember voicing the complaint "If we had only had a conservative running!"
I do remember. So many of those voices arose from people on my Facebook Friends List, yet a considerable number of those same people now support a lying narcissist with a proven track record of extreme liberalism.
Worse yet, many of them tout his "anti-establishment" credentials while completely overlooking that he admitted ON STAGE, during a nationally televised debate that he donated to politicians - on both sides of the aisle - so that when he "needed something" they'd be there. He's not "anti-establishment." He's deeply entrenched in the establishment for his own personal gain. How can you not see the hypocrisy? The dichotomy?
I hate watching all that I hold most dear dying before my eyes. It quite literally brings me to tears to know that my grandchildren won't know the freedom and liberty I enjoyed in my youth. I will not be part of the further erosion of those freedoms and liberties.
It saddens me that so many of my "conservative" brothers and sisters have deluded themselves into thinking Donald Trump is something he so clearly is not - a conservative.
I, and many of my friends - some of whom I consider family - have done what we can to bring awareness to people. We have been verbally attacked and violently threatened by the same people who suffered that exact same abuse from Obama voters back in 2008 and if you don't see an issue with that, you're part of the problem.
If you want to vote for someone who will do nothing but continue to strip your freedom and liberty from you, take the very essence of what it means to be an American and stomp them into the ground as if they meant nothing, be my guest. I won't stop you.
But when, not if, these things come to pass, know that I most certainly will hold it against you because it's YOU who's destroying the greatest nation to have ever existed.
It's YOU who denied my grandchildren their birthright of liberty.
It's YOU who placed the yoke of slavery to the State around your own necks, and those of your fellow citizens. I'll laugh in your faces because YOU DID IT YOURSELVES, and you can't say you weren't warned. As far as I'm concerned, you'll be a traitor to the Constitution and the principles that are America.
I will not be kind. I will not have sympathy.
And I will not show mercy.
I will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. I trust made that abundantly clear. ~ Hunter

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