09 April 2016

Now Is The Time To Stand With Ted Cruz

This election cycle has boiled itself down to this: You can vote for the Republican "win" by voting for Trump - even though he'll lose in a landslide to Clinton or Sanders - or you can vote for the true American values that we claim we want to preserve – the values Ted Cruz has fought for his entire adult life.

The values and principles enumerated in the Constitution are what made this nation great, not a political party or a candidate. It's no coincidence that the United States started to go to Hell in a hand basket as progressives/liberals began pushing us away from those values and principles.

There's no doubt that as America has moved further and further from the Constitution, she went from bad to worse and is teetering upon the precipice of worst. Just look at the perceived legitimacy of Bernie Sanders' campaign for proof of that.

There can be no question whatsoever that a return to the values and principles of the Constitution is what's so desperately needed to turn this ship around. There's also no question that there is only one candidate who understands the Constitution and what it represents, what it means, and has actually taken a stand - often alone - and fought for the Constitution. That candidate is Ted Cruz.

Is he perfect? No. Only one perfect person has ever walked this planet - Jesus. Cruz is, however, the only candidate who speaks of and for the things conservatives have been fighting for these past seven-plus years. Ted Cruz is the only candidate who's tried to fight the big government overreach of the Obama administration while a certain other candidate funded those politicians who allowed that overreach.

A vote for Trump is nothing but a continuation of the system we're all tired of complaining about. He's not an "outsider" as he and his supporters like to claim. Trump is the ultimate insider's insider. A Trump presidency will hasten the destruction of everything we wish to preserve almost as quickly as a Clinton or Sanders presidency. Of that I am certain.

A vote for Cruz is a vote that acknowledges those problems exist and acknowledges that a return to the Constitution is the best way to fix those problems. We, as conservatives, have been saying exactly that for decades. At least since Reagan left office.

We now have the chance to turn this around. Will it be easy? Absolutely not. So much damage has been done it will probably take a generation or longer to repair it all. Can Ted Cruz fix it all by himself? Not likely. But he is the only one who will willingly take those first steps. That alone makes him worthy of my vote.

Those of us who have complained that progressivism/liberalism/outright socialism are destroying the greatest nation in history have no business supporting more of the same. Those of us who have decried the use of government as a weapon against political enemies have no business pushing for more of the same. Those of us who have spoken out government intervention in everything from our daily lives to the free market have no business supporting more of the same..

Make no mistake about it – Donald J. Trump is more of the same. ~ Hunter

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