We stood watch while you slept, but we volunteered.
We were the line between civilized people and the savages, but we volunteered.
We lost precious friends, blood brothers, treasured sisters as you went about your lives, but we volunteered.
We safeguarded your freedoms, even as you threw them away, but we volunteered.
We threw myself into the fray, fended off the wolves, so you could rest easy, but we volunteered.
Do not grieve for us, for we have completed our work here. We have left this battle for the peace of God's love.
Instead, celebrate that we lived.
Remember us all the days of your lives. Remember our brothers and sisters who still fight, and die, for you.
Remember our mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons and daughters we left behind.
So go to your barbecues, your parties, your fireworks. We don't mind, for had our check not been cashed, we'd likely do the same.
All we ask is that you teach your children what this day is really about. Teach them to love America, despite her faults and foibles.
Instruct them in the ways of freedom, so that they realize the sacrifices that were made so they could be free.
We now stand with our brothers and sisters in an unbroken line that stretches back to the founding of this great nation. We stand with mighty company.
We pray that the day comes when no more need join us, but until that day, know that we would do it again if it was asked of us.
We volunteered, so you didn't have to. ~ Hunter
Memorial Day 2016