Isn't it funny how the people who were warned repeatedly that if they selected a nominee who didn't represent conservatism we conservatives wouldn't vote for him are now saying if we don't vote for him, we're either liberals or pro-Hillary - often both - and we should be "ashamed of" ourselves?
We were also told that the GOP house needed to be "burned down" and that they would get The Fraud of Fifth Avenue elected without our help.
Well, you've accomplished your goal of burning down the house, so to speak. You've driven away the base of the party - the true conservatives. Now is your chance to accomplish the other part of your goal - getting The Fraud elected without our help. Good luck with that because it's not gonna happen.
You were warned.
You didn't listen.
Now you expect - no, demand - that we vote for someone who not only does not represent conservatism in any way, shape, manner, or form but is Hillary's ideological twin. Not happening.
You made this bed - sleep in it.
I will no longer play the "good little Republican" for you or to get the party the "win" when it's not the party I joined in 1988. It certainly no longer holds but the barest shred of conservative principles.
You wanted a fascist, banana republic dictator as your nominee (not my nominee), so go get it done - ALL BY YOURSELVES. I, as well as millions of other conservatives with principles won't have an active part in the murder of the United States. Even if Hillary wins, I'll sleep with a clear conscience because I'll have done the right and moral thing.
Good luck explaining to your grandchildren why you did not. ~ Hunter
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