20 December 2014

Race Bait, Inc. Gets It's Wish

The overwhelming majority of police officers are good men and women, doing a job 99% of people can't, couldn't, wouldn't, won't do - standing between us and the savages of the world - but most of the time all we hear about are the bad ones, or ones involved in situations that people with an agenda try to make out to be bad.

Today, 2 uniformed NYPD officers were gunned down while sitting in their marked police cruiser by an animal posing as a man, in an apparent retaliatory killing for Mike Brown and Eric Garner, just a couple of days after protesters were filmed chanting "What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? Now!"

I pray for the families of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, and send my deepest and most heartfelt condolences. They were assassinated doing what they loved by an evil coward.

Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I love things political. I've followed politics since I was about ten years old with a passion most people reserve for their favorite sports teams, or a band they love.

As much as I love it, however, even I find it distasteful to bring politics into a tragedy like this, but there are things that must be said, and one of those things is...... This shooting is a direct result of people like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton injecting race into everything they don't like, whether it calls for it or not. Ferguson ring any bells?

Unless and until black America decides that they're Americans first, black second, and ditch their so-called "leaders," whose primary interests are to line their own pockets, perpetuate the victim mentality, accomplishing nothing except dividing us from each other, we will never be free of this nonsense, and that saddens me greatly. ~ Hunter

18 December 2014

Let's Go To War Over Sony. Rrriiiggghhhttt...

Last month, it was reported that Sony Entertainment was hacked and this month they were threatened, and now we're paying the price...

The hackers released emails that imply a great deal of racism inherent amongst the leftists that control Hollyweird, which is not surprising to those who know actual history (KKK was founded by racist demoKKKrats).

These hackers also threatened "9/11 style attacks" against movie theaters that dared to screen the upcoming movie "The Interview," a comedy about 2 reporters enlisted by the CIA to assassinate Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea - a ridiculous premise, to be sure.

Earlier this week, in response to the threats, nearly every major movie theater chain decided not to show the movie, allowing the terrorists to win. Yesterday, Sony decided not to release the movie in theaters at all (it's unknown whether direct-to-DVD or On-Demand are or aren't options) - again, allowing to terrorists to win.

Now, some people out there (the lunatic fringe, for sure) are calling for a military response to North Korea's alleged hacking of Sony. Think about that for a second...

Assuming it actually was the government of North Korea behind the hacking of Sony - a private company - how, exactly, does that merit a military response from an entity that wasn't attacked - namely the U.S. government?

Seriously, this isn't a knock against Sony, but how does it further America's national interests to restart a war because a private company was electronically attacked?

It's time to use your heads for something other than hat racks. ~ Hunter

China Didn't - Cuba DID

A quick history lesson to those who are wondering why we have trade relations with China and not Cuba, despite both being communist nations - CHINA didn't attempt to set up and host Soviet nuclear missile bases in our backyard - Cuba did. CHINA didn't come to us asking for help in ridding their country of a despotic government, promising to install a pro-America democracy, then turning a hard left into communism and pro-SOVIET dictatorship - Cuba did.

CHINA wasn't a direct threat to the U.S. when we established trade relations with them, not to mention that those trade relations were a natural outgrowth of our trade relations with Hong Kong, which was essentially a British city until relatively recently. CHINA witnessed the power of free-market capitalism in Hong Kong, at one time the fastest growing city on the planet, and they wanted a part of it - hence the reason for free enterprise zones throughout China, where the standard of living is ridiculously higher than the rest of the country.

Cuba had none of this, although various administrations have made overtures to Cuba over the years, and rightfully so, as it really is in OUR best interests to see that our neighbors do well on their own. The biggest obstacle to that - especially in Cuba, Haiti, and Mexico - is the MASSIVE corruption in their respective governments.

It's really not that difficult to figure this stuff out, but those I hear asking why we DO with China and DON'T with Cuba are - most of them, anyway - old enough to remember the Cuban missile crisis of the early 60's. Try opening a history book once in a while - you might have a memory or two resurface through those drug-addled brains. ~ Hunter

06 December 2014

The Plantation Of Liberalism

A friend posted this bit of wisdom from a friend of her's on her Facebook page. It is worth the read. ~ Hunter
Ferguson , New York City, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans and EVERY OTHER MAJOR BLACK CITY IN AMERICA HAS BEEN RUN BY DEMOCRATS FOR DECADES! Now you are seeing the results of decades of social engineering. You are seeing the results of poverty, high crime and ignorance after decades of Democrat control. The War on Poverty that Lyndon Johnson started has been an abject failure, but that was its intention all along - to breed low educated, low informed dependents of government, for the sake of votes.
Blacks make up 13% of Americas population, but are responsible for most of the crime. They fill the jails, the slums, the neighborhoods where the Democrats want them to live. They keep voting Democrat, but nothing gets better.
Now we have the most divisive and racist President in the history of America. We also have his equally racist henchmen, Eric Holder, who refuses to enforce actual law, as opposed to activist law. They choose to make the criminals victims and the law abiding citizens of America the criminals. Need an example? Executive amnesty.
In reality, these so called activists are extreme hypocrites . Black Lives Matter. Yes they do, except where is your outrage for the hundreds of thousands of black on black killings? I see no marches, hashtags, protests, looting, calls for dialogue and conversation when blacks commit murder a thousand fold on each other. No, only the incidents involving a white individual (not including whited killed by blacks) which can be spun into hate crimes.
Planned Parenthood says Black Lives Matter. Planned Parenthood was created by a Nazi sympathizing Klanswoman named Margaret Sanger, for the purpose of eugenics - it's  population control through abortion in the black community. She's a progressive hero, by the way.
The only thing the Brown and Garner incidents have in common is that they both broke the law and resisted arrest.
FYI, the Garner incident was being overseen by a BLACK FEMALE NYPD SERGEANT, and at no time did she call for any sort of restraint. If what happened in the eyes of a black woman did not appear racist, it shoots the whole argument down that this was a hate crime.
Two grand juries, made up of black and white, two "no bill" decisions, based on evidence from black and white witnesses. Apparently, thanks to a POTUS who constantly breaks the law and gets away with it, that sort of mentality is permeating through the neighborhoods of his voters.
If you want to blame white people, blame Mayor Deblasio of New York. He sent the cops after Garner because he wanted his precious tax money! In fact, you can thank both black and white Democrats, who for decades have segregated blacks into the high crime, high poverty areas they currently occupy. Let's not forget Margaret Sanger, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and even Bill Clinton, until he got a Republican Congress.
Black Lives do Matter! It's about time the hypocrisy of picking and choosing what outrages you ends. If you are upset about only two, yet ignore the massive black on black crime , you don't have any sort of argument. If you vote Democrat for decades - the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow and the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of social engineering and eugenics, the party of the government plantation - and you vote Democrat over and over again, and can't understand why nothing has changed for you, you will never find help.

Guest Post: Things I Learned Trolling Liberal Facebook Pages

A friend in one of the conservative groups to which I belong posted what he has learned by going to liberal pages on Facebook. It's short, sweet, and so true to life that I knew I had to post it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. ~ Hunter

I consider myself a student of life. I believe everyday is an opportunity to expand your mind and learn new things. So, with that in mind, I'd like to present a new installment that I call "Things I learned trolling lib sites."
1.) There is absolutely NO connection between crime and the destruction of the family unit, despite the percentage of violent crime and the percentage of unwed parents increasing nearly neck and neck over the past 60+ years.
2.) ALL cops are evil racists.
3.) Officer Wilsons charges were dismissed because the jury did not have access to the actual autopsy reports which are available only to liberal Facebook users.
4.) Christianity is an evil cult that teaches nothing but hate and subjugation of women. Meanwhile, people of the islamic faith shouldn't be judged based on a few mentally unstable individuals.
I hope this helps educate some of you silly conservatives as much as it helped me.

Enforcement Of A Crap Law Is Still Necessary For The Rule Of Law

I know this is probably going to make me pretty unpopular with quite a few folks, but I just call things the way I see things.

Eric Garner's death, as tragic as it was, was not because he was selling "loosies" (single cigarettes). As with Michael Brown, who wasn't shot and killed for the strong-arm robbery he committed minutes before Ferguson P.D. Officer Darren Wilson encountered him, Garner died as a result of his disobeying the lawful order of the police officers attempting to arrest him.

We can complain that the law the police were there to enforce the day Garner died was, and is, ridiculous. The government interfering in the free-market service Garner was attempting to provide is precisely the type of law that true conservatives wish to abolish, and it should be. But just as with Mike Brown, had Garner complied with the police officers' commands, he would most likely be alive today.

While most people are focusing on the underlying crime in both NYC and Ferguson, they're missing the obvious - the failure of both men to obey the lawful commands of the police. With Garner, we must also keep in mind that he had been previously arrested and was out on bail for selling untaxed cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession, among others. Garner had a criminal record that includes more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980 on charges such as assault, resisting arrest, grand larceny. An official said the charges include multiple incidents in which he was arrested for selling unlicensed cigarettes.

The Garner incident had nothing to do with race. In fact, the police sergeant leading the detail making the arrest was a black woman. It was her decision to go forward with the arrest. I deeply sympathize with the Garner family, but facts are facts, and as he had been arrested multiple times - FOR THE SAME OFFENSE - he *knew* that what he was doing was against the law.

We can argue about the ridiculousness of the law Garner was breaking until we're all blue in the face, but unless and until that law is changed, we are duty-bound to obey that law. This is the type of government overreach that we have allowed to creep into our system.

Just as Mike Brown is responsible for Mike Brown's death, Eric Garner is responsible for Eric Garner's death. The police officers involved in both cases were just trying to do their jobs to the best of their abilities. ~ Hunter