28 May 2014
The Price Is Far Too High
Video Games And Movies Aren't The Issue
How about we blame the actions of a CLEARLY disturbed individual ON THE INDIVIDUAL, instead of the old, and very tiresome, excuses of violent video games and movies.
Those things aren't the issue. The issue, to my mind, is PARENTING. Video games, for example, don't lead to shootings if - and here's the important part - parents teach their children to divorce FANTASY from REALITY.
My own son was playing Goldeneye on Nintendo 64 at a VERY young age, but I taught him that it WAS NOT REAL, nor was it something that should even be contemplated in real life.
The UCSB shooter was clearly unbalanced. All one need do is watch his YouTube video for evidence of that. He believed that women OWED him love and/or sex simply because he was, well, him. He had the CLASSIC entitlement mentality. He was the result of what's STILL going on in our screwels today - the "nobody wins, get a trophy just for participating" self-esteem social experimentation engineered by the Leftists that have hijacked our education system.
What happened in Isla Vista has everything to do with the shooter and his upbringing, and nothing whatsoever to do with video games or movies.
Let's stop giving the bad guys all the outs and start calling things like they are - EVIL.
25 May 2014
A Reminder Of What Memorial Day Is, Or It Isn't About The Barbecue And Fireworks
All gave some: Some gave all.
Another origin story, slightly less well-known, is that Memorial Day started as “Decoration Day” in Charleston, South Carolina. Initiated by black Americans as a way to honor those Union soldiers who fought and died for the freedom of the former slaves.
Every Tom, Dick, Rose, Or Susie
We have also become an immoral society...thinking sex with any Tom, Dick, Harry, Sally, Rose, or Susie is normal and expected. Well, take a hard look into Elliot Rodger's privileged eyes and know he was one sick puppy that was only a product of his environment. He felt as though he was being cheated because he couldn't find a girl that would screw him. Yuuuuup, that is what the murder of seven people boils down to...a 22 year old that couldn't get laid. Our society is sick, really sick. We stepped onto a slippery slope and our decline just gets faster and faster.
Want to know what the true fruits of abortion are? The devaluing of human life is the fruit of abortion. Life just isn't important in our society.
And here is another point to ponder: Why was this man's goal to get laid rather than be successful at some career. Could it be that daddy gave him everything and he felt as though that was the way it should be...getting something for nothing? I mean look at the guy's car and lifestyle he lived.
The bottom line is our society is producing mentally ill whackadoodles who all feel that the world should revolve around them and if it doesn't, they are going to at least get their five minutes of fame by doing something crazy and making at least a few people suffer.
We have gone full-blown topsy turvy!!! ~Cupcakes
When Narcissism Meets An Inferiority Complex
This is the full video of the suspected UCSB shooter.
I didn't realize that it was possible to have an inferiority complex coupled to a god complex, but this scumbag manages to pull it off.
The narcissism is strong with this one. ~ Hunter
Elliot Rodger CHILLING videos just days before Go…: http://youtu.be/t-jCSZh2tMk
21 May 2014
If Obama Had A Son Who Ran For Class President
Sex Ed For Kindergartners, Or What's Left For The Left To Destroy?
19 May 2014
Jerry Brown, MENSA Member
18 May 2014
Eric Holder, Hypocrisy Personified
While not calling out Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling or Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy by name, instead referring to them obliquely as "jarring reminders of the discrimination - and the isolated, repugnant, racist views - that in some places have yet to be overcome," Mr. Holder seems to forget his own "subtle" racism. One glaringly obvious example that comes to mind is the Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia, PA, in which Holder refused to prosecute the thugs who were caught on video threatening white voters.
Holder testified before Congress after the 2008 presidential election, taking offense at comments from well-known civil rights activist Bartle Bull, who called the actions of the Black Panthers "the most serious example of voter intimidation" he had ever seen at the polls, by saying, "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60's to try to get the right to vote for African-Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia ... to describe it in those terms does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people."
Think about those last two words for a minute - "my people." He wasn't talking about Americans, my friends; he was talking about black Americans. The highest law enforcement job in the land, a job in which every law is supposed to be applied equally to all people, regardless of color, is held by someone who, by his own words and actions, seems to be just as much of a racist as those democrats who persecuted blacks during the Civil Rights Era. Why people don't seem to have a bigger problem with this is utterly beyond me.
The United States of America still has much work to do. There is still racism here, and it certainly is much more subtle than it was in days gone by. I submit to you, once again, that it's the democrats who are the true racists. Their history shows it, beyond a doubt. Their actions today should show it, but people refuse to see. Affirmative Action anyone? To believe one group of people needs special help over and above what help is offered to other groups is RACISM. In essence, you're telling that group that they can't make it on their own, that they can't succeed on their own merits, that they need help.
Nah.... No racism there...
It really shouldn't surprise anyone that Eric Holder chose racism as the topic of his commencement speech, given that this administration has made racism, or the perception of racism, as one of its main ideological underpinnings. Let's not mention this administration's supporters, whose claims of racism for the simple act of disagreeing with the policies of this administration are simultaneously maddening and laughable. ~ Hunter
17 May 2014
My "Coming Out" Announcement
13 May 2014
The Politics Of Race In Politics
Have we reached the absolute rock bottom with “identity politics”? If we haven't, I personally believe we're so close to the bottom as to find it virtually indistinguishable from the actual bottom.
Late last week, democrat (lowercase for disrespect) Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, who is also the Assistant democratic “leader” in the House of Representatives took a verbal shot at the South Carolina Republican senator, Tim Scott, saying, “If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress.” Really?!
Isn't the job of every senator, from every state, to represent every citizen of their respective states? Isn't the entire point of having a state-wide campaign to attempt to appeal to more of the voters in the entire state than your opponent? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure there's no senator for the east/west or north/south sections of any state. I'm also positive there's no senator exclusively for blacks or whites or hispanics or asians, etc.
Clyburn's remark comes just over a week after another black democrat representative made disparaging comments about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. A remark which Clyburn refused to denounce, by the way. Mississippi democrat Bennie Thompson described the accomplished Justice Thomas as an “Uncle Tom” and said Thomas “doesn't like being black” during an interview on a Mississippi radio station.
Everyone remembers Harry Reid-iculous lambasting Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy, for his use of the word “negro” - something that is utterly absurd, given that it was just a few short years ago that Mr. Reid-iculous used that very word when describing then-candidate Obama. The response from the democrat “leadership” to these latest racial slurs – crickets chirping.
While I find Clyburn's and Thompson's remarks remarkably disgusting, close-minded, and certainly divisive, I do not find them necessarily “racist.” They are, however, stunning examples of racialism.
Racialism is defined in Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary as “a theory that race determines human traits and capacities.” The World English Dictionary definition is “1. the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by heredity factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others. 2. abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief.”
It's the last definition that's most applicable to Clyburn and Thompson, but not in that blacks have an “intrinsic superiority.” Liberals like Clyburn and Thompson, by virtue of their ties with the democrat party, believe that black people have an intrinsic inferiority. Just look at the democrat party's record of institutionalized racism. Could there be a more dichotomous position for someone to take?
By attacking Senator Scott and Justice Thomas, Clyburn and Thompson have essentially said without saying that they believe blacks to be incapable of critical thinking and should fall in line with what their “leaders” say they should do. They've sold out Martin Luther King's dream by insisting that the color of one's skin does matter, apparently more than the content of their character. Clyburn's slam against Senator Scott, in which he effectively says Scott votes against the color of his own skin, is a particularly blatant example of this tribal thinking.
The democrat party is the party that divides people into groups based on economics, race, religion, and a whole host of other categories, none of which have anything whatsoever to do with a person's character. They are the originators of identity politics. Look no further than the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, the fight against every single piece of civil rights legislation proposed after the end of the Civil War, often filibustering them. This is a matter of historical record. Also a matter of history is that the first twenty-three black members of Congress were Republican. Coincidence? I think not. The first black democrat wasn't elected until 1935. Again, I don't think this was a coincidence.
People blame the mythical, and I emphasize mythical, “party switch” or “ideology switch” for the nearly wholesale departure of blacks from the Republican party – that they became suddenly, inexplicably, and virulently racist, and the democrats became the party of inclusion. I hate to disabuse them of this notion, but it was George Wallace standing against desegregation, not Republicans.
I reiterate – the primary function of a senator from any state is to represent the interests of every citizen of their state. Ethnicity has no place in politics. No person should be elected because they are, or are not, any particular race, and they certainly should not be expected to vote according to skin color. Clyburn, Thompson, and the countless others who interject race into politics are repugnant, and are the very antithesis of MLK's dream. It's time to vote them out of office and replace them with people who value all people. ~ Hunter
12 May 2014
Photo ID Hypocrisy From The Left, Or It's Not Rocket Science
- Buying alcohol
- Buying cigarettes
- Open a bank account
- Apply for welfare
- Apply for food stamps
- Rent/buy a house
- Rent/lease/buy/drive a car
- Apply for Medicaid/Social Security
- Apply for Unemployment
- Apply for a job
- Get on a plane
- Get married
- Buy a firearm
- Adopt a pet
- Rent a hotel room
- Apply for a hunting/fishing license
- Buy a cell phone
- Visit a casino
- Pick up a prescription
- Buy certain cold/allergy medications
- Donate blood
- Buy a “Mature” rated video game
- Buy nail polish at CVS
10 May 2014
More Fast Food Foolishness
Funny part is, people are calling on these companies to raise wages to a point where people can support a family with them. Here we go again...
Notice anything “special” about these companies? I do – there is not a one of them that requires an ounce of actual skill to work for them.
These are entry-level jobs, primarily intended for young people. You're not supposed to raise a family with what you get paid working these jobs. The purpose of these types of jobs are exactly what the term “entry-level” implies - entry into the workforce They're to be used as a stepping-stone to a better job with better pay after you put in some time. You acquire the better job and pay with experience and/or education. You don't walk into a high paying job working at places like these when just about anyone can walk in off the street and do that job.
The protesters are calling for a “living wage” of $15 an hour. Yep, you read that correctly - $15 per hour. Oh, by the way – these protests aren't being organized by the workers of the companies. They're being put together by outside forces, primarily the SEIU, in an attempt to unionize the workers. What that means is that it's less about the wages than it is about a union trying to force it's way into the industry.
Let's assume for a minute that the protests and unions are successful in their attempts. The workers get what they want – more money – and the unions get what they want – more people paying them union dues. What are the unintended, yet totally foreseeable, consequences of these “successes?”
Well, one consequence would be that a good chunk of the additional pay a worker would receive is likely to disappear because of the union dues. How long before the workers start complaining about the exorbitant dues, then clamoring for even more money to make up the difference yet again?
The second consequence would be the higher prices that would necessarily follow any wage increase of the size they're asking. This, in turn, would have a myriad of effects. As prices rise, fewer people would pay them. Fast food isn't a necessity in life, like gas for your car. It can be cut out of one's life fairly easily. Higher wages would also mean fewer jobs. Companies have to operate under a certain profit margin or it's not worth being in business, and the fast food industry historically has a small profit margin. How long before it becomes ridiculous to stay open as profit margins shrink further? Franchises having to pay more for jobs that aren't worth the amount of pay being demanded for them would lower the already small profit margin to the point of unsustainability, forcing first layoffs, then closures.
I would be remiss in my duty if I didn't mention that the individual restaurants that will be targeted by these protests are franchises, owned and operated by regular people, just like you and me, and not the parent company. McDonald's, for example, only owns about 11% of its restaurants. The franchisees are the ones responsible for setting the wages they pay their workers. The executives, salaries are under such scrutiny by those outside influences organizing the protests, have little to do with the individual franchises except to set the overarching company policies, the menu, etc. The only thing forcing the individual restaurants to pay ridiculously high wages would lead to is the closure of the franchises. It certainly won't hurt the parent company.
Earlier I said that no skill is required to work for most of these companies. I would know. About 20 years ago, I worked for Pizza Hut. I started as a delivery driver/dish washer. In about three months, I made assistant manager, despite having nothing more than a high school diploma. I didn't go “on strike” or protest for higher pay: I worked my butt off to be the best damn delivery driver/dishwasher the company had ever seen. Was I? I have no idea. But I showed my willingness to work hard, no matter what I was doing. That's why I made assistant manager as quickly as I did.
I know I'm probably going to catch hell for this post, but I don't care. Any basic business economics class will tell you that wages are based on what the market is willing to pay based upon averages of what a job is worth. Yes, there's high and low extremes, but economics is economics. You wouldn't go spend $800 for a flatscreen TV that you can get elsewhere for $350, would you? Why, then, should employers be expected to pay more than a job is worth paying?
Yes, it really IS that simple. ~ Hunter
09 May 2014
Liberals Are Hypocrites (You're SHOCKED, I Know)
07 May 2014
The Truth About Islam - Part Two
22,892: That number includes 37 people, including 11 children, killed in 6 known attacks committed over five days since Friday, 02 MAY 2014. That's an average of just over 7 people per day mercilessly slaughtered by islamists.
363 dead bodies (averaging a little under 52 per day)
725 critically injured in these attacks
16,170 dead bodies (average of just over 44 people killed per day)
29,432 critically injured
To put this in a little perspective, the estimate - which is based on new, very thorough research - of people killed during the entire *500* years of the Medieval and the Spanish Inquisitions is about 6,000 deaths. While those deaths are reprehensible, and all Catholics lament them, it's not quite the same, is it? The acknowledged average estimate is around 30,000.
With Great Rights Come Great Responsibilities
In a nutshell, that phrase means that if you have a certain power or advantage over others, it's up to you to use that gift responsibly. It doesn't make you better than others who don't possess the same gift; it just makes you different.
That being said, I'd like to make a similar statement to apply to our system of government - “With the great rights guaranteed by our Constitution, it's your great responsibility to maintain those rights - not just for you, but for all.”
How is it that our citizenry, with one of the most powerful tools ever created at their disposal – the internet - a tool that people as recently as our own parents didn't have, can't be bothered to research what this nation is about; how and why it was founded, the wars we've fought, the people we've freed, the people we had a part in enslaving, the good we've done across the globe? Everything, all of it – the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. The angel's wings and halos our brave fighting men and women have earned fighting for other people's freedom. America's history is at everyone's fingertips; all you need to do is look for it.
Here's the deal – our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the most brilliant documents ever written, set forth by the most brilliant men ever assembled in one place, at one time, are not safe. There's no fail-safe, however, written into those documents to protect them from us. We are the guarantors of the freedoms enumerated for us, not the government. If anything, the government has proved itself incapable of safeguarding our freedoms, especially since the Woodrow Wilson era. It's up to us to teach those around us what America is, her role in the world. Teach your children what it means to be an American, and how to take the responsibility of that seriously.
We are the stewards of our own rights, not the government. It's our responsibility to ensure future generations have the same rights we've enjoyed. We're failing miserably in that responsibility, and our children and grandchildren will be the ones to pay the price. ~ Hunter