25 March 2014

The Truth About DemoKKKrat Racism (Part One), Plus Charlie Rangel Is An Idiot

Over the last several months, a few liberal democrats (intentional lowercase “d” to show my absolute disrespect for them) have acquired diarrhea of the mouth and calling Republicans and conservatives the dreaded “R-word” - racists. They've focused on the Tea Party in particular, which is pretty strange considering there's a great many prominent black conservatives who identify with the Tea Party. Kevin Jackson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Mia Love, Reverend C. L. Bryant, to name a few.

The word “racist” is thrown around so often anymore that it's becoming quite meaningless. Personally, having that particular pejorative hurled at me is almost a badge of honor. What it tells me is that the user has nothing left to bring to the table; their “facts” have been proved false, their opinions obliterated. Their house of cards has fallen. When someone charges ME with racism, I know I've won.

Why do I bring this up, you ask? It's pretty simple, really. Democrats always like to forget – very conveniently, I might add – their party's sordid history of racism. They like to transfer their own misdeeds onto the Republican party, apparently not realizing that it's all a matter of historical record. They truly never cease to amaze me.

Take good ole Representative Charlie Rangel, for instance. Six or seven days ago, the New York democrat, in a decidedly stunning display of idiocy, declared that Tea Party members are, and I quote, “mean, racist people....Because in those red states, they're the slave-holding states. They had the Confederate flag. They're now the Tea Party; they still got the Confederate [flag]. I don't think that's a coincidence.” Of course, we all know just how active the states of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, and Nebraska really were during the Civil War (that would be not at all for those of you who believe as Rangel does). Let's not mention that both Virginia and Florida, states that actually WERE in the Confederacy, were carried by the Constant Campaigner in 2012. That can be our little secret, OK?

For the record, I think Charlie Rangel is an idiot of the highest magnitude; a crayon-eating, window-licking buffoon. He is one of the poster children for what ails this nation, and I really don't think that can be stated often enough, or over-emphasized. To call the “red states” out as racist, simply because some of them USED to be part of the Confederacy, just smacks of stupidity.

With all that being said, I'd like to review the democrats LLLOOONNNGGG history of racism. And because it's so long, I'm going to split it up into what I hope are tolerable portions. I hope that this can help you educate those that will listen. Part one starts right now:

Let's call a spade a spade, shall we? And by that, I ONLY mean call something WHAT IT IS (and it's really sad I have to explain that).

Racism in this country still exists, in an institutionalized form, much like the very real slavery of the past. It's hard to say that, but it's true. That being said, I know most of our fans know where, and from whom, collectively, it originates and resides today. If you just said liberals/progressives/democrats, you'd be absolutely correct. This post is more for the liberals I *know* are watching the page right now.

Here are just a few examples:

  1. Dr. Benjamin Carson has been called “Uncle Tom” how many times, by how many people on the left?
  2. Alfonzo Rachel has been accused of trying to be “too white.”
  3. Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Mia Love, Condi Rice, Herman Cain – hell, even Colin Powell way back when – ALL of them vilified by the left.

What do these people all have in common? They all either ARE, or lean heavily to, the RIGHT (Colin Powell not so much anymore). These people REFUSE, and rightfully so, to place themselves in any kind of “box.” They simply are who they are – AMERICANS.

Some believe that to be conservative, you must BE racist, that what you want to “conserve” is the deep-south, pre-Civil War, plantation slavery mentality, and nation we had. If you look at actual HISTORY, nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1865, Republicans pass the 13th Amendment, ending slavery. 100% of Republicans vote for it.
Even among northern Democrats, it receives the support of only 23%.

In 1866, Democrats form the KKK with the express purpose of preventing the election of Republicans in the South. Democrats admit - under oath in Congressional hearings in 187 - that the Klan is a Democrat creation intended to restore Democrat control of the South. The Klan carries out this plan by means of a series of massacres at Republican Party meetings. Their purpose was to kill Republicans, to drive Republicans from the South, and to prevent blacks from voting or serving as elected officials. They killed a lot of people.

Three years after Appomattox, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting blacks citizenship in the United States, came before Congress: 94 percent of Republicans endorsed it.

The first grand wizard of the KKK was honored at the 1868 Democratic National Convention, and no Democrats voted for the 14th Amendment to grant citizenship to former slaves.

These are but a few - and more importantly, WELL DOCUMENTED - examples of Democrat racism in the years immediately after the Civil War. The list is really quite long. ~ Hunter

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