29 March 2014

Have We Lost The Fight Against Abortion?

Folks, I've come to believe that we have lost the fight. I did not reach this decision lightly - in fact, I didn't think we'd lost until I saw this picture.

This is a 19-week-old fetus, otherwise known as a human baby. His name is Walter Joshua Fretz. He was born alive, and before God called him home, he knew his mother's love as she cuddled him, counted his fingers and toes, kissed his head, and felt his tiny heart beat.

Take a good, long, hard look. How *anyone* can deny the humanity of this baby is utterly beyond me. Does this really look like it's just a "blob of cells"? Why does a human being deserve less protection and concern than sea turtle eggs, a rare frog's habitat, or a fish? Americans have become jaded to the value of human life, especially the weakest among us.

Have we become so selfish as a people that we don't want to believe that what we're doing, the culture we're perpetuating, the legacy we're leaving for future generations – all of it – is wrong, if not downright evil? How do we look our children in the eyes and tell them, “You're the one I chose to live?”

If you want to protest against the death penalty, that's fine. I don't have a problem with that. I think you're wrong and naive, but that's just my opinion. Don't stand there, however, and lecture me about how wrong it is to put a convicted murderer to death, that it's cruel and inhumane, yet in the same conversation express your support for abortion (yes, that conversation actually happened).

How can a person be so against the execution of someone who knew right from wrong, yet still made the choice to commit a crime deserving of the death penalty, yet believe that the choice to murder the truly innocent is somehow a good thing? That kind of dichotomy is utterly and forever beyond my ken.

Until we can turn the tide and bring this to an end, we cannot win this fight. As it stands right now, I don't believe the nation we grew up in, the land we love, will ever grace the planet with her presence again.

Please don't misunderstand – I will NEVER stop fighting to put an end to abortion. When what should have been my second child was murdered almost 20 years, at roughly the same age as Walter, I was devastated. I mourn that child every day of my life, almost as much now as I did then. I wonder what she'd look like, sound like. I miss the laughter I never heard, the love my son and I got cheated of, the life that never was. I missed out on the proverbial “Daddy's Little Girl,” which is something I'll regret until my dying day. ~ Hunter

Walter's mother, Lexi, took some incredible pictures of Walter, which you can see here, and you can read Lexi and Walter's incredible story in her own words here.

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