16 March 2014

You Might Be A Liberal...

If you think animals should have the same rights as humans, you might be a liberal.

If you want to limit my right to keep and bear arms but have no problem arming the terrorists in Syria, you might be a liberal.

If you think it's wrong to execute a convicted serial killer but say abortion is a “woman's choice,” you might be a liberal.

If you think Americans should all be driving electric cars but haven't the foggiest idea where the energy to power them comes from, you might be a liberal.

If you believe in man-caused global warming but hopscotch around the globe in your own private jet, you might be Algore AND a liberal.

If you think George Zimmerman was guilty based solely on his and Trayvon Martin's skin color, you might be a liberal.

If you think King DingleBarry has been truthful, honest, open, and forthcoming about ANYTHING except “fundamentally transforming” the nation, you're an IDIOT of the highest magnitude and DEFINITELY a liberal.

If you think the Obamaphone program is paid for by grants or anything other than taxpayers, you might be a liberal.

If you think the Perpetual Campaigner has been good for the economy, don't even speak to me, for you are dumber than a box of rocks and you might be a liberal.

If you think that Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting, and NSA spying on America's citizens are NOT scandals, you might be a liberal and you REALLY need to get off this page.

If you believe that “separation of church and state” is an actual phrase in any of our founding documents, you might be a liberal and you need to reread them.

If you believe “separation of church and state” means that religion was never meant to be in government, you don't know the history of this country or understand the Founders, and you might be a liberal.

If you think the “general welfare” clause in the Constitution means the government should pay monies to citizens, you might be a liberal and truly don't understand the principles this nation was founded upon.

If you think Thomas Jefferson was an atheist, or anti-Christian, just go away...

If you think children should receive abortions or birth-control without parental notification or consent, but require written permission, in triplicate, from both parents, to give that same child an ASPIRIN, you might be a liberal and lucky that breathing is an autonomic function.

If you think taxing the wealthy more just because they HAVE more and that simply isn't fair, you should probably go get a job from the nearest poor person.

If you think the wages from entry-level jobs are meant to raise a family on, you're not just stupid, you should have to give up your job just to make that happen, dumbass.

If you think Congress isn't doing enough because they've only passed 20 bills in any given year, please move to Europe, where they regulate your every waking moment, every day.

If you think Chris “The Thrill” Matthews is an objective journalist yet blast Fox News for being “biased,” you might be a liberal.

If you think being $17 trillion-plus in debt is OK and feel it's a “false argument” to say the government has a spending problem, you might be Nancy Pelosi and I've got a bridge to sell you. It's in Brooklyn. I also have some swampland in Arizona, some oceanfront property in Illinois, and a TON of shares in Solyndra for sale. ~ Hunter

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