15 March 2014

Who I Am, What I Do, and Why I Do It

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Hunter, the resident history buff of three Facebook pages (Unbridled Truth Cannot Be Silenced, Liberals are Hypocrites, and our newest page - Take it to The Limit), especially as it relates to present day events.

I started as a fan of Things Liberals Hate (the greatest page in the history of Facebook pages) just after the election in 2012, after having commented for months on another conservative page, The Comical Conservative. I loved the fact the TLH kept the interaction with the Lurking LiberTrolls to an absolute minimum (which so few conservative pages do), and I was hooked. Between that, the well-researched, factual posts, and the admins individual personalities, who *wouldn't* love it? I was deeply honored when Rose and the others brought me into the inner workings of the page, and I've been with them ever since.

 It was a sad, sad day when the Brute Squad of Censorship removed Things Liberals Hate during their purge of conservative pages in 2013, depriving nearly 80,000 fans of our brand of conservative news, opinion, and just plain fun.  Why, you ask?  Good question, and truth be told, we STILL have received an answer beyond "You violated Facebook's Community Standards."  We've asked, time and time again, for some kind of clarification, yet the more we asked, the quieter Facebook became.  I've resigned myself to the fact that we will never know precisely why, although I presume it's because we were, at the time, hyper-critical of the Petulant President, good ole King DingleBarry.  I *can* say that I wouldn't have wanted to be on the Facebook staff the next few days post-TLH shutdown.  There were hundreds, if not thousands, of complaints about it.

Well, we dusted ourselves off, picked up what pieces we could and became....The Unbridled Truth.  We had recovered nearly 1/4 of our fan base when, you guessed it - Facebook pulled the rug out from under us AGAIN.  In the resultant chaos, we lost and gained different admins and fans when we retooled as UTCBS, assumed responsibility for LaH, and opened TitTL.

For those of you wondering why we do what we do - why keep going through the hassle, the irritation, the outright intimidation - allow me to share a message TLH received from a former liberal.  This touched all of us in a way that makes all the bad MORE than worth it:

Hello. I just wanted to let the admins of this page know what a great job they are doing. I found this page when the likes were down in the 30,000s. I know I may get some backlash for this, but here it goes. When I first found this page, I was a "libturd" and silently laughed at everything posted. Over time, I started to agree with a lot that was posted and everything made sense and that I was an idiot. I will admit that I did vote for Obama only because this was the first election that I was of age to vote in and I was sure that the answer to everything was simple. I started watching closely afterwards and realized that it was true that O is becoming a tyrant and ruining freedom. I've also accepted the fact that I'm a racist for thinking otherwise. I just thought I would share this with you to to let you know that you are getting through to people. Keep up the good work and please don't ban me. I love this page.”

Yes, it's a real message and I *know* it made all of the admins' and mods' YEAR just reading it. It gave us hope that what we do MATTERS – to us, to you, and to others we may never know about.

Believe it or not, there IS a reason I *choose* to do this kind of thing, this sharing of Conservatism, and it's really very simple when you get right down to it - love of country.  Not love of government.  Lord knows there's not much in the government to love.  This is my chance to do my small part to save the America in which I grew up; the America that saved the world from itself several times over; the America where everyone truly IS equal, with no special treatment for one "class" or another; the nation that was built upon the Rule of Law, not the Laws of a Ruler.

Put another, simpler way:  The single biggest reason I do this – I want my kids, grandkids, and ALL future generations of my family to enjoy the same freedoms I had growing up, the same opportunities, the same pride just to be an American as I've had.

The 2nd reason is best expressed this way - “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Well, *I* won't do *nothing.* I will not go quietly into the night. I will NEVER be silent. I will forever fight for what I believe to be right and true.

What I plan to share with this blog is exactly what you'll find on any of our Facebook pages, except I might expound even further here.  Everything I post about concerning history, as well as present day events, is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge.  Any errors or omissions are entirely my own, and I apologize in advance for them.  What I *won't* apologize for is the Conservatism behind the posts, so don't ask.

If there's one thing I believe you should know about me, it's this - I've *never* been a liberal.  For as long as I can remember, I've always thought Conservatism has the best answer for this nation's problems, from taxation to welfare, free markets to national defense, and everything in between.  For me, there is no other way.  That being said, I do entertain new ideas, new ways of thinking and looking at different issues, but it's always with a conservative eye.  If that's a problem for you, this isn't going to be the page for you.  That's a fair warning to all the Lurking LiberTrolls out there.

I thoroughly enjoy what I do, and plan to keep posting for as long as Facebook allows conservatives to post. It's an honor to be a part of the Things Liberals Hate family, and a privilege to be able to do this, and I can't wait to read your comments.

Before I go, however, I'd like to mention one more thing - I have a great many nicknames for the our present "president."  King DingleBarry happens to be my favorite.  I *refuse* to give that "man" the respect he hasn't earned by using his proper name (whatever it actually is).  I also refuse to accept any criticism for it, especially since all the names I use for him are absolutely, 100% accurate and true, which I hope you will come to see as you read this blog.

Time to raise a ruckus, y'all. ~ Hunter

Be sure to "Like" my Facebook page here as well.

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