25 March 2014

The Language Of Abortion "Rights" From The Left, Or How To Speak Moron

Liberals love to throw around terms like “reproductive rights,” “free to choose,” and my personal favorite - “reproductive slavery” when they're defending their choice to murder a pre-born human being. Let's take them one-by-one, shall we?

Pro-choice: Being pro-choice means you're pro-murder. You ACTIVELY seek the willful and deliberate destruction of another human being. That's perilously close to the legal definition of murder in any jurisdiction in America. Please, I'm begging the crayon-eaters (that's you, liberals) NOT to chime in about how it's not a human until it's born because science and medicine say otherwise. There is no way you can dispute the science of which you liberals are so fond. Of course, since we Tea Party members have a better grasp of science than you, maybe we can explain it to you.

And naturally, pro-choice doesn't extend to the size soda you want to drink, where you wish to educate your child, the RIGHT to bear arms (which, I remind you, actually IS in the Constitution, unlike abortion), buying health insurance, and a whole host of other choices you liberal nitwits want to limit, does it?

Reproductive rights: Has there ever been a more dichotomous phrase? I'm sorry – isn't ABORTION diametrically OPPOSITE reproduction?

One of the definitions of reproduce is: Produce offspring: to produce offspring or new individuals through a sexual or asexual process.

One of the definitions of abortion is: Operation to end pregnancy; an operation or other intervention to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb.

Yeah... They sound similar, don't they? Let me see if I got this straight: You're not too ashamed enough to turn away from the murder of the only innocent party in a pregnancy, but you ARE too ashamed to call it what it is? Can you be any more hypocritical?

Right to choose: According to Hunter's Guide to Liberal Idiocy (no, it's not a real book, YET), right to choose means choice to murder. There's no other way to put it. It's documented scientific and medical FACT that human life begins at conception. That's indisputable. Murder is the willful and deliberate taking of another human life. That's inarguable. Abortion is the removal of a BABY from the womb to terminate a pregnancy. The only way you can do that is to KILL it, deliberately.

Last, but certainly not least; reproductive slavery. What does this even mean? You can't equate slavery with pregnancy; you just can't. Slaves never have a choice whether they want to be slaves. There is a veritable plethora of ways to avoid getting pregnant before it happens. Leading the way, of course, is the only tries-and-true, 100% guaranteed-to-always-work way to not get pregnant: ABSTINENCE!!! If you do not have sex, you cannot get pregnant (I hope that wasn't too scientific for you, crayon-eaters). Add in the nearly unlimited choices in low-cost birth control methods, and there should never be an unwanted pregnancy in this country, EVER.

You can quibble over semantics all you want, but what it boils down to is you want to play without having to pay. You want a repercussion-free life, and the sad fact of the matter is that the baby that YOU created is the only one who really pays. ~ Hunter

****Please note that I realize rape and incest are completely different circumstances, and although I will ALWAYS believe it's wrong to abort in those cases, I *can* understand them to a certain degree.****

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