A friend posted this bit of wisdom from a friend of her's on her Facebook page. It is worth the read. ~ Hunter
Ferguson , New York City, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans and EVERY OTHER MAJOR BLACK CITY IN AMERICA HAS BEEN RUN BY DEMOCRATS FOR DECADES! Now you are seeing the results of decades of social engineering. You are seeing the results of poverty, high crime and ignorance after decades of Democrat control. The War on Poverty that Lyndon Johnson started has been an abject failure, but that was its intention all along - to breed low educated, low informed dependents of government, for the sake of votes.
Blacks make up 13% of Americas population, but are responsible for most of the crime. They fill the jails, the slums, the neighborhoods where the Democrats want them to live. They keep voting Democrat, but nothing gets better.
Now we have the most divisive and racist President in the history of America. We also have his equally racist henchmen, Eric Holder, who refuses to enforce actual law, as opposed to activist law. They choose to make the criminals victims and the law abiding citizens of America the criminals. Need an example? Executive amnesty.
In reality, these so called activists are extreme hypocrites . Black Lives Matter. Yes they do, except where is your outrage for the hundreds of thousands of black on black killings? I see no marches, hashtags, protests, looting, calls for dialogue and conversation when blacks commit murder a thousand fold on each other. No, only the incidents involving a white individual (not including whited killed by blacks) which can be spun into hate crimes.
Planned Parenthood says Black Lives Matter. Planned Parenthood was created by a Nazi sympathizing Klanswoman named Margaret Sanger, for the purpose of eugenics - it's population control through abortion in the black community. She's a progressive hero, by the way.
The only thing the Brown and Garner incidents have in common is that they both broke the law and resisted arrest.
FYI, the Garner incident was being overseen by a BLACK FEMALE NYPD SERGEANT, and at no time did she call for any sort of restraint. If what happened in the eyes of a black woman did not appear racist, it shoots the whole argument down that this was a hate crime.
Two grand juries, made up of black and white, two "no bill" decisions, based on evidence from black and white witnesses. Apparently, thanks to a POTUS who constantly breaks the law and gets away with it, that sort of mentality is permeating through the neighborhoods of his voters.
If you want to blame white people, blame Mayor Deblasio of New York. He sent the cops after Garner because he wanted his precious tax money! In fact, you can thank both black and white Democrats, who for decades have segregated blacks into the high crime, high poverty areas they currently occupy. Let's not forget Margaret Sanger, Lyndon Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and even Bill Clinton, until he got a Republican Congress.
Black Lives do Matter! It's about time the hypocrisy of picking and choosing what outrages you ends. If you are upset about only two, yet ignore the massive black on black crime , you don't have any sort of argument. If you vote Democrat for decades - the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow and the KKK, the party of segregation, the party of social engineering and eugenics, the party of the government plantation - and you vote Democrat over and over again, and can't understand why nothing has changed for you, you will never find help.