I've seen a great many comments and posts made by atheists - who are self-professed conservatives - that are profanity-laced tirades, mainly about Christians who stand against muslims (lowercase to denote my absolutely profound disrespect).
These posts and comments are almost always, nearly without exception, some variation on the "Radical Christians are the same as radical muslims..." or "Doesn't your god say not to judge..."
Blah, blah, blah...
Let's cut right to the heart of the matter, shall we?
The difference between a "radical" Christian and a "radical" muslim - the book they're so adamant about following.
The New Testament (which is what Christians follow) preaches love and tolerance for all mankind, among other things. In order to be a Christian, one must follow the teachings of Jesus. Calling yourself a Christian does not a Christian make. David Koresh, Jim Jones, Hitler all claimed to be Christian - see the point? Westboro Baptist Church is another great example.
The koran teaches hatred of unbelievers and literally grants one permission - nay, it commands one - to slay the infidels. What we call a "radical" muslim is, in reality, a fundamentalist. They're following their "prophet's" words to the letter.
A fundamentalist Christian, however, not only won't behead you for not believing, they'll actually pray for you that one day, you'll "see the light," as it were.
If atheists can't see the difference, they're not as smart as they think they are. Or they're being deliberately obtuse.
Personally, I think it's the latter. ~ Hunter
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