King DingleBarry is mulling tax increases by Imperial Decree (read: Executive Order).
The entirety of this administration shows its bountiful jackassery by skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before a joint session of Congress, calling that speech "dangerous" and "destructive." I guess Iran getting nuclear weapons is not "dangerous" or "destructive."
No less than fifty-five demoKKKrats skip the speech, with those that attended calling it "political theater" and other ridiculous things, never once touching upon the actual substance of the speech.
The Constant Campaigner has recently declared himself above anything Congress does, saying, in effect, that it doesn't matter if Congress - which, need I remind you, is a co-equal branch of government - votes to deny his Royal Edict (and massive overreach) on illegal immigration and its essential amnesty for people whose very first action in our nation is to break the law; he's going to do it anyway - displaying a complete disregard and utter contempt for this country and our history/traditions/culture.
Hillary Clinton, the presumptive demoKKKrat presidential nominee for 2016, is currently under fire as it's now known that the Clinton Foundation took donations from foreign governments - while she was Secretary of State, no less - with, shall we say, less than stellar human rights' records, particularly regarding WOMEN'S rights (which she proclaims to champion). Oh yeah, did I mention that we also learned today that she never used a government email account - which is REQUIRED BY LAW - while conducting official State Department business?
Aaannnddd to top today off, we find out that the Republicans bowed down, ONCE AGAIN, and passed a clean bill funding the Department of Homeland Security - which includes funding King DingleBarry's de facto amnesty executive order. Never mind that the Republicans control both houses of Congress and nothing should get through that isn't approved by said Republicans.
Anyone else feeling a tad..............BETRAYED? ~ Hunter
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