Yesterday, while I was exercising my "white privilege" at work, I was listening to my local talk radio station, and the host was interviewing a black lawyer who says that - and I'm paraphrasing - the United States, after slavery ended, essentially criminalized "being black." Jim Crow, segregation, etc., is the reason that the black community, as a whole, acts the way it does.
I almost lost my breakfast...
The white man keeps oppressing the black man by taking fathers out of the home (by putting them in jail for committing a crime). She actually said this - and she was serious.
Lawyer or not, this woman is an idiot, plain and simple. The totality of the black population in the United States makes up just under thirteen percent of the total population of the U.S.
From that thirteen percent comes approximately SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT of all violent crime in this country. Nearly ninety percent of black males killed in the U.S. are killed by other black males. Let's not mention drug offenses, etc.
Here's a hint, dumbass - if you commit a crime and get caught, you should probably expect to do some time in prison. I would say the exact same thing if the criminal was white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. It's simple cause and effect.
Listen up, lady - it's time to stop blaming the "white establishment" for your community's ills. Black people have more opportunity to get ahead in the country than any other ethnicity. That's a fact.
It's time to start looking within your community. Don't lionize the bad actors, don't make them out to be "heroes." When people have to worry about speaking out about the crime in their neighborhoods, the thugs win.
Don't put down those who are trying to better themselves. They're not acting "white" - they're just trying to make things better for themselves.
Most importantly, look to those you elect to office. They haven't helped your community. Particularly in the inner cities, it's the liberal demoKKKrats who "keep you down." It's those same liberal demoKKKrats who were responsible for Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, etc.
Welfare, Affirmative Action, even minimum wage are the "soft racism" that have replaced the hard racism of the past. Do you personally enjoy when someone tells you that you can't do something on your own simply because of who you are? Why, then, is it perfectly acceptable for demoKKKrats to tell everyone with your skin tone essentially the same thing by offering special deals and favors thru various programs like Affirmative Action?
I don't care what your skin color is - you can get where you want to go by your own hard work. If you haven't figured that out by now, there might just be no hope for you at all.
For those who might be offended by this - I don't do "politically correct." - it's a colossal waste of time, mine and yours. I call things as I see them, and what I see is the destruction of the black community from within, not from anything ordinary "white America" is doing.
In a recent article, the brilliant Thomas Sowell encapsulates everything I just wrote in a single sentence: "You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." ~ Hunter
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