25,989: It's been far too long since I last wrote a post about the savages who follow the pedophile prophet. If you have any doubt what the socio-political ideology that masquerades as a religion wants, you should be aware that it's nothing less than dominion over the entire world. Since 08 JUL 14, islam (lowercase to denote my utter contempt, disrespect, and loathing) there have been 2,665 terror attacks - with fatalities - by mohammed's minions.
Just in the last four days, twenty-eight people were murdered by islamist savages, including a teacher, as well as seven people doing nothing more than attending a wedding.
Between 16 MAY and 22 MAY there were:
53 jihad attacks
13 "allahu akbars"
1,095 dead bodies (that's 156 people per day, in case you were wondering)
423 critically injured
It's sadly hilarious that Christians are labeled as "intolerant" for merely speaking about their faith, but muslims actually kill, maim, rape, pillage, and destroy in the name of theirs. I'm not talking about "radical" islam. That's a politically correct term that disgusts me, and it should you, for if you've ever read the qu'ran, you'd know that newer verses supercede the older ones.
In other words, when islam is the minority, as it was in the early days of the qu'ran, they're peaceful, much like they are in the present day in countries they don't control. When they do gain the majority, however, they get more and more violent, as the later verses in their unholy book can attest. When it calls for "slaying the unbelievers," it basically overwrites those verses calling for peace with the infidels. Honestly, it's not really a hard concept to grasp.
The so-called "radicals" are actually the fundamentalists. They're following the words of their "prophet" to the letter.
In APR 2015 alone:
260 jihad attacks
26 countries
3822 "allahu akbars"
2,650 dead bodies (averaging just over 88 people murdered in the name of allah per day)
1,784 critically injured
While our president, good ole King DingleBarry himself, called attention to the Crusades at the National Prayer breakfast a few months ago, he remained suspiciously silent over the attack on the free speech event that Pamela Gellar held in Garland, Texas. The Constant Campaigner, the Petulant Pretender has, at best, only timidly denounces islamists for their present-day attacks while having to dredge up centuries old issues committed by people who were acting against the teachings of Christ.
If you have to dig that far into the past to find something comparable to present day events, it's not really much of a comparison, is it? ~ Hunter
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