19 March 2016

What Good Is A "Win" When The Winner Doesn't Share Your Values?

I find myself in a unique and unprecedented position. Yesterday morning, while listening to Chris Stigall, I learned that Rush Limbaugh, apparently speaking about Drumpf, made a statement to the effect that this election is "beyond ideology" for him, that it's about stopping Hillary from becoming president.

Rush has been almost a hero to me. Throughout the last 25-plus years, I've agreed with Rush's take on things political far more often than I've not. I remember when I first started listening to Rush on the radio and thinking, "Finally! Someone out there 'gets it!' Somebody who's saying what I've been thinking!"

It was both Reagan and Rush who taught me that the principles of conservatism not only worked but were morally right and true. It was they who reinforced what my parents instilled in me (though I didn't always practice) that doing right often meant standing alone, fighting the tide. The two of them, more than any other people, taught me that conservative principles are worth taking that stand.

Now, however, it seems we are to throw conservative principles overboard for the "win." At least, that's what I took from Limbaugh's statement. I could be wrong in my assessment, but given the behavior of supposed conservatives pertaining to Drumpf and his candidacy, I don't think I am, and it disturbs me.

I keep asking - "What good is a 'win' for conservatives if the winner is NOT a conservative?" I have yet to receive an answer beyond "Keeping Hillary out of the White House." Sorry, but that's not good enough.

We have to be for something, not just against something. Anyone with half a brain listening to Drumpf speak knows that his positions on foreign policy and trade are beyond reckless, bordering on dangerous - economically if he gets his wish for massive tariffs on imported products and militarily if he orders our troops to fire upon and murder civilians.

This election doesn't go beyond ideology. It's precisely about ideology. If you believe, as I do, in conservative principles; if you know, as I do, that conservatism is what's best for this nation, you cannot possibly vote for a candidate who does not - and never has - hold those same beliefs and stay true to your principles.

I used to believe that the primaries were for your principles and the general was for winning the prize. No longer. I won't be an active participant in the destruction of everything I hold most dear. I just won't. A win by Drumpf in the general election would be a disaster, possibly an even greater one than a Hillary win.

If we don't take a stand now for the beliefs we profess, if we cast off the principles we've been fighting for years to maintain and put into practice solely to prevent a Hillary presidency by electing her ideological equal, there's no point at all to even having principles.

This election is about doing what's right not what makes us "feel good." If we, as conservatives, elect Drumpf we're no better than the liberals we've been mocking for decades for not having any principles.

This love affair the nation is having with Drumpf is as sickening to me as the one we had with King DingleBarry seven years ago. I won't - I can't - just sit idly by as I watch the nation I love be destroyed from within, and by my own side. It's disgusting.  ~ Hunter

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