30 May 2015

The World Burns, Yet The Real Issue Is Ignored

25,989: It's been far too long since I last wrote a post about the savages who follow the pedophile prophet. If you have any doubt what the socio-political ideology that masquerades as a religion wants, you should be aware that it's nothing less than dominion over the entire world. Since 08 JUL 14, islam (lowercase to denote my utter contempt, disrespect, and loathing) there have been 2,665 terror attacks - with fatalities - by mohammed's minions.

Just in the last four days, twenty-eight people were murdered by islamist savages, including a teacher, as well as seven people doing nothing more than attending a wedding.

Between 16 MAY and 22 MAY there were:

53 jihad attacks
13 "allahu akbars"
1,095 dead bodies (that's 156 people per day, in case you were wondering)
423 critically injured

It's sadly hilarious that Christians are labeled as "intolerant" for merely speaking about their faith, but muslims actually kill, maim, rape, pillage, and destroy in the name of theirs. I'm not talking about "radical" islam. That's a politically correct term that disgusts me, and it should you, for if you've ever read the qu'ran, you'd know that newer verses supercede the older ones.

In other words, when islam is the minority, as it was in the early days of the qu'ran, they're peaceful, much like they are in the present day in countries they don't control. When they do gain the majority, however, they get more and more violent, as the later verses in their unholy book can attest. When it calls for "slaying the unbelievers," it basically overwrites those verses calling for peace with the infidels. Honestly, it's not really a hard concept to grasp.

The so-called "radicals" are actually the fundamentalists. They're following the words of their "prophet"  to the letter.

In APR 2015 alone:

260 jihad attacks
26 countries
3822 "allahu akbars"
2,650 dead bodies (averaging just over 88 people murdered in the name of allah per day)
1,784 critically injured

While our president, good ole King DingleBarry himself, called attention to the Crusades at the National Prayer breakfast a few months ago, he remained suspiciously silent over the attack on the free speech event that Pamela Gellar held in Garland, Texas. The Constant Campaigner, the Petulant Pretender has, at best, only timidly denounces islamists for their present-day attacks while having to dredge up centuries old issues committed by people who were acting against the teachings of Christ.

If you have to dig that far into the past to find something comparable to present day events, it's not really much of a comparison, is it? ~ Hunter

25 May 2015

Memorial Day 2015

We stood watch while you slept, but we volunteered.

We were the line between civilized people and the savages, but we volunteered.

We lost precious friends, blood brothers, treasured sisters as you went about your lives, but we volunteered.

We safeguarded your freedoms, even as you threw them away, but we volunteered.

We threw myself into the fray, fended off the wolves, so you could rest easy, but we volunteered.

Do not grieve for us, for we have completed oir work here. We have left this battle for the peace of God's love.

Instead, celebrate that we lived.

Remember us all the days of your lives. Remember our brothers and sisters who still fight, and die, for you.

Remember our mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons and daughters we left behind.
So go to your barbecues, your parties, your fireworks. We don't mind, for had our check not been cashed, we'd likely do the same.

All we ask is that you teach your children what this day is REALLY about. Teach them to love America, despite her faults and foibles.

Instruct them in the ways of freedom, so that they realize the sacrifices that were made so they could be free.

We now stand with our brothers and sisters in an unbroken line that stretches back to the founding of this great nation. We stand with mighty company.

We pray that the day comes when no more need join us, but until that day, know that we would do it again if it was asked of us.

We volunteered, so you didn't have to. ~ Hunter

Memorial Day 2015


16 May 2015

Skin Color Is No Excuse For, Well.....Anything

Yesterday, while I was exercising my "white privilege" at work, I was listening to my local talk radio station, and the host was interviewing a black lawyer who says that - and I'm paraphrasing - the United States, after slavery ended, essentially criminalized "being black." Jim Crow, segregation, etc., is the reason that the black community, as a whole, acts the way it does.

I almost lost my breakfast...

The white man keeps oppressing the black man by taking fathers out of the home (by putting them in jail for committing a crime). She actually said this - and she was serious.

Lawyer or not, this woman is an idiot, plain and simple. The totality of the black population in the United States makes up just under thirteen percent of the total population of the U.S.
From that thirteen percent comes approximately SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT of all violent crime in this country. Nearly ninety percent of black males killed in the U.S. are killed by other black males. Let's not mention drug offenses, etc.

Here's a hint, dumbass - if you commit a crime and get caught, you should probably expect to do some time in prison. I would say the exact same thing if the criminal was white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. It's simple cause and effect.

Listen up, lady - it's time to stop blaming the "white establishment" for your community's ills. Black people have more opportunity to get ahead in the country than any other ethnicity. That's a fact.

It's time to start looking within your community. Don't lionize the bad actors, don't make them out to be "heroes." When people have to worry about speaking out about the crime in their neighborhoods, the thugs win.

Don't put down those who are trying to better themselves. They're not acting "white" - they're just trying to make things better for themselves.

Most importantly, look to those you elect to office. They haven't helped your community. Particularly in the inner cities, it's the liberal demoKKKrats who "keep you down." It's those same liberal demoKKKrats who were responsible for Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, etc.
Welfare, Affirmative Action, even minimum wage are the "soft racism" that have replaced the hard racism of the past. Do you personally enjoy when someone tells you that you can't do something on your own simply because of who you are? Why, then, is it perfectly acceptable for demoKKKrats to tell everyone with your skin tone essentially the same thing by offering special deals and favors thru various programs like Affirmative Action?

I don't care what your skin color is - you can get where you want to go by your own hard work. If you haven't figured that out by now, there might just be no hope for you at all.

For those who might be offended by this - I don't do "politically correct." - it's a colossal waste of time, mine and yours. I call things as I see them, and what I see is the destruction of the black community from within, not from anything ordinary "white America" is doing.

In a recent article, the brilliant Thomas Sowell encapsulates everything I just wrote in a single sentence: "You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." ~ Hunter

14 May 2015

The Amtrak Derailment Wasn't An "Infrastructure" Issue. It Was Human Error

Amtrak, like the Post Office, is a government run entity.

This government entity, by law, is required - by the government that runs it - to install the so-called Positive Train Control system on all its tracks.

(The P.T.C. is a safety system designed to slow trains independent of human input if an engineer makes an error in judgement)

The Northeast Corridor is the only part of Amtrak that operates in the black. The rest of this government entity just hemorrages money, as all government entities do. In fact, taxpayers subsidize $60 of every Amtrak ticket sold every day.

The Northeast Corridor is also the most heavily used of all the Amtrak lines. More people use it per year than all the other lines combined, if I remember correctly.

Guess what Northeast Corridor does not have installed on its tracks, particularly the section of track where this latest derailment occurred. If you guessed the P.T.C., you win a prize (if I had any to give out).

So we have a government entity that doesn't make a profit and doesn't prioritize how to spend the money for a system that is mandated by the government and the government's answer to a derailment that killed at least seven people is......give them more money...

According to all available evidence, this was a tragedy caused by human error, as the train was travelling at 106 mph in a 50 mph zone, not because of any "infrastructure" problem.

Kudos to the voices of reason making this known, and shame on those - from both sides of the aisle (but mostly liberals) - who are trying to make this into a political issue. ~ Hunter

11 May 2015

The Cowardice of Moral Equivalency

For all those cowards - and I do mean cowards - like Juan Williams, Greta Van Susteren, Geraldo Rivera, and Bill O'Reilly, who believe that Pamela Gellar is somehow "responsible" for two lunatics driving at least 1000 miles to attack an art exhibition and cartoon contest, I have one thing to say. Do try to keep up...

The show Gellar put on is not the same as falsely yelling "FIRE!!!" in a crowded theater, despite your clumsy attempts at conflating the two.

In the crowded theater scenario there is a reasonable expectation that people will be harmed as a result of an immediate panic in the theater. The person raising the false alarm is directly responsible for causing the panic and the harm.

In the United States, there is - and this is an important point - NO REASONABLE EXPECTATION that our words and/or expressions will incite someone to violence. You can protest that speech all you want with your own free speech, but the second you cross over into violence, you are the problem, not whatever it was that offended you.

Free speech is free speech. There are no qualifiers. It doesn't matter how offensive the words are, or who those words offend. If you don't understand this, if you don't support this, you couldn't care less about the freedoms upon which this nation was built. ~ Hunter