14 November 2015

The "Participation Trophy" Generation Comes Of Age And It's Not Pretty

This is what our future looks like if we don't slap the stupid out of our children today.

People say conservatives are "greedy, selfish, uncaring" because we believe people should have to actually work for what they want in life.

I, however, submit that it's the Left that's greedy for wanting to take something that I work very hard to receive from me and give it to someone who didn't work for it.

I submit that it's the Left that's selfish for dictating to me what my "fair share" should be. If they want more to be paid to the government for their pet projects, there's no law against voluntarily paying more, as far as I know. Get to writing those checks, you insufferable imbeciles.

I submit that it's the Left who are uncaring, because they can see that their handout programs DO NOT WORK yet they don't want to change them. Their schools don't work (as evidenced by the video), yet they refuse to allow parents to choose to what school they wish to send their kids. Their economics don't work, yet they refuse to cut spending more than we take in, driving this nation more and more bankrupt every day.

As for this moron in the video - and make no mistake, she is a moron of the highest magnitude - how is it not considered greedy and selfish to expect to receive the fruits of someone else's labor without fair compensation? How is it not uncaring to expect others to pay more in taxes than what you, yourself, are willing to pay?

This insipid idiot actually believes that she - and others like her - are entitled to a "free" education, no debt for receiving that education, and to get paid more money per hour working low- and unskilled positions than I make as a machinist - a job that actually requires at least a modicum of skills.

Get over yourself, window-licker. Nobody "owes" you anything that you didn't work to get. That's life, and guess what - LIFE ISN'T FAIR. Not everyone gets a trophy in the real world, some people really are better/smarter/faster/stronger than you in whatever you choose to do, and not everyone starts out as The Boss.

We, as parents, need to wake up to the damage the Left has done to our children, the nation, the very future. There are no "participation trophies" in the real world, regardless of your definition of "real world." Our primary job as parents is to prepare our children for life after we're gone. Frankly, and as much as i hate to say it, we are failing miserably. ~ Hunter

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