18 May 2014

Eric Holder, Hypocrisy Personified

In a commencement speech given at Morgan State University on Saturday, United States Attorney General Eric Holder told the graduating class of the historically black college that several high profile displays of racial bigotry were "not the true markers of the struggle still that must be waged, or the work that still needs to be done - because the greatest threats do not announce themselves in screaming headlines."

While not calling out Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling or Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy by name, instead referring to them obliquely as "jarring reminders of the discrimination - and the isolated, repugnant, racist views - that in some places have yet to be overcome," Mr. Holder seems to forget his own "subtle" racism.  One glaringly obvious example that comes to mind is the Black Panther voter intimidation in Philadelphia, PA, in which Holder refused to prosecute the thugs who were caught on video threatening white voters.

Holder testified before Congress after the 2008 presidential election, taking offense at comments from well-known civil rights activist Bartle Bull, who called the actions of the Black Panthers "the most serious example of voter intimidation" he had ever seen at the polls, by saying, "When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60's to try to get the right to vote for African-Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia ... to describe it in those terms does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people."

Think about those last two words for a minute - "my people."  He wasn't talking about Americans, my friends; he was talking about black Americans.  The highest law enforcement job in the land, a job in which every law is supposed to be applied equally to all people, regardless of color, is held by someone who, by his own words and actions, seems to be just as much of a racist as those democrats who persecuted blacks during the Civil Rights Era.  Why people don't seem to have a bigger problem with this is utterly beyond me.

The United States of America still has much work to do.  There is still racism here, and it certainly is much more subtle than it was in days gone by.  I submit to you, once again, that it's the democrats who are the true racists.  Their history shows it, beyond a doubt.  Their actions today should show it, but people refuse to see.  Affirmative Action anyone?  To believe one group of people needs special help over and above what help is offered to other groups is RACISM.  In essence, you're telling that group that they can't make it on their own, that they can't succeed on their own merits, that they need help.

Nah.... No racism there...

It really shouldn't surprise anyone that Eric Holder chose racism as the topic of his commencement speech, given that this administration has made racism, or the perception of racism, as one of its main ideological underpinnings.  Let's not mention this administration's supporters, whose claims of racism for the simple act of disagreeing with the policies of this administration are simultaneously maddening and laughable. ~ Hunter

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