04 May 2014

Greed Over Selflessness, Or The Way To Oblivion

Some time ago, I wrote a post detailing how the national debt and the welfare system growing exponentially under the reign of King DingleBarry - the welfare system alone to the tune of $11 trillion total by 2022. Just to put that into context, $11 trillion is fully one-quarter of what the federal govt. will spend over the next 10 fiscal years. That is not a joke, and that's just federal spending. Scary, isn't it?

We are swiftly becoming a people in a perpetual state of dependence. Rapidly disappearing, if not already gone, are the days of self-reliance.  And the hits just keep on coming. The right of the people to self-determination are being given over to a maniacally big, confiscatory taxing, over-regulatory, all-intrusive and abusive, cradle-to-grave “government.”

When you depend on the government to feed, clothe, house, be responsible for your personal defense, what does that make you? I'll give you a hint – it's called a slave, and it's leading to moral, not just financial, bankruptcy.

We cannot maintain the greatest nation in recorded history if we rely on the government to care for us from the cradle to the grave.  We're putting our own "me, me, me" attitude ahead of our children's future.  Our greed, our selfishness is destroying this nation.

 The saddest part is that a very vocal minority is leading the way to oblivion for the all-too-silent majority. ~ Hunter

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