28 May 2014

Video Games And Movies Aren't The Issue

How about we blame the actions of a CLEARLY disturbed individual ON THE INDIVIDUAL, instead of the old, and very tiresome, excuses of violent video games and movies.

Those things aren't the issue. The issue, to my mind, is PARENTING. Video games, for example, don't lead to shootings if - and here's the important part - parents teach their children to divorce FANTASY from REALITY.

My own son was playing Goldeneye on Nintendo 64 at a VERY young age, but I taught him that it WAS NOT REAL, nor was it something that should even be contemplated in real life.

The UCSB shooter was clearly unbalanced. All one need do is watch his YouTube video for evidence of that. He believed that women OWED him love and/or sex simply because he was, well, him. He had the CLASSIC entitlement mentality. He was the result of what's STILL going on in our screwels today - the "nobody wins, get a trophy just for participating" self-esteem social experimentation engineered by the Leftists that have hijacked our education system.

What happened in Isla Vista has everything to do with the shooter and his upbringing, and nothing whatsoever to do with video games or movies.

Let's stop giving the bad guys all the outs and start calling things like they are - EVIL.

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