09 May 2014

Liberals Are Hypocrites (You're SHOCKED, I Know)

We are anguished as mothers, grandmothers and lovers of children that this is what the children, the girls in Nigeria are worth,” Sheila Jackson Lee said while holding up $12, the amount of money the girls are said to have been sold for by their kidnappers. “And so our first command and demand is to use all resources to bring the terrorist thugs to justice.”

We want our girls back and we want them back now. We want this terrorist group brought to justice, and we want the slaughter and the intimidation, the trafficking, the murders, we want this stopped today,” Barbara Lee added.

The seizure of these young women by this radical extremist group, Boko Haram, is abominable. It's criminal, it's an act of terrorism, and it really merits the fullest response possible.”

These first two paragraphs were uttered by democrat members of Congress in response to the kidnapping of nearly three hundred young Nigerian girls by the terrorist organization, Boko Haram. The third paragraph is a direct quote from Hillary Clinton, answering a question from ABC's Robin Roberts at the Philanthropy New York's 35th Annual Meeting at the Ford Foundation on Wednesday.

While I take issue with Ms. Jackson Lee attempting to command anyone to do anything as a member of Congress, what I'd really like to do in this post is point out the blatantly obvious hypocrisy in their strong words.

Now I'd like to share the strong words from Sheila Jackson Lee about the terrorist attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya on 11 SEP 12. You remember, the attack in which Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Officer Sean Smith, and C.I.A. Contractors and former Navy SEAL team members Ty Woods and Glen Doherty were killed? *******crickets chirping*******

That's right, ladies and gentlemen – no calls, demands, or commands to “use all resources to bring the terrorist thugs to justice.” Hmmm... I wonder why that is...

I'm sure Congresswoman Barbara Lee must have said something about bringing the full resources of the United States to bear in finding out what, exactly, happened in Benghazi that night, or at least bringing the terrorists to justice. *******wind blowing*******

Nope. Nothing. Not a word. What the....?

I know former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just has to be calling for a complete and thorough investigation into the events of 11 SEP 12, as well as throwing her full support behind the new Congressional Select Committee, headed by South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy, which will be doing the investigating. Well..... Not exactly.

When Robin Roberts asked Clinton if she was "satisfied with the answers" and "content with what you know what happened," Clinton replied: "Absolutely."

"I mean, of course there are a lot of reasons why, despite all of the hearings, all of the information that's provided, some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward," Clinton said.

"That's their choice, and I do not believe there's any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the Congress.” Yes, she actually said that.

Of course, can we really expect anything more from the woman who told the families of the dead when their flag-draped coffins were sitting right in front of them that “we'll get” the guy “who made the video” and essentially shouted from a rooftop while testifying in front of Congress “What difference, at this point, does it make?!” when referring to what reason the four men died?

Nobody in this administration has told the truth about the events in Benghazi from day one. Most of them can't even bring themselves to call it an act of terrorism without being pressed hard on it, and democrats in the House and Senate blindly and actively support this administration's blatantly ridiculous talking points, stories, and outright lies about Benghazi.

The saddest thing of all is they don't seem to even want to so much as think about perhaps pondering the possibility of thinking about feeling badly about the four Americans who were brutally murdered that day. In fact, I submit they've done as much as they possibly could to block any investigation into the matter. They're still trying to marginalize Benghazi. Just today, Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called the Select Committee investigation a “diversion.”

For the record, I find the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls from their boarding school, and the subsequent threats tho sell them into slavery and marriages absolutely deplorable, and I hope beyond hope that karma catches up to those Boko Haram bastards sooner rather than later. I believe that the United States has a moral imperative to do everything within its power to do what it can to bring the Nigerian girls home to their families, as safely and quickly as possible.

The hypocrisy of the democrats concerning the two incidents is certainly predictable. It is, however, still disconcerting to me that they give the appearance of caring more for the kidnapped girls than they did for four American citizens. Calling for the United States to use “all resources” to bring back the Nigerian girls, while remaining virtually silent on Benghazi, except to denigrate those of us who have done our level best to keep alive, just speaks volumes, doesn't it?

It's no coincidence that the name of one of the Facebook pages I'm involved with is “Liberal are Hypocrites.” ~ Hunter

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