11 April 2014

Can We The People Fix America?

We can all agree that our nation, the greatest nation in the history of this planet, is in the gravest of danger. Not from an external enemy, although that, too, may come to pass. No, this threat is slightly less obvious, but no less dangerous to the United States.

Too many people leeching off the system, and it starts at the top with our permanent, professional politicians that “We, the People” have allowed to take over, and I include a great many Republicans in that statement.

There's far too many steps that are needed to fix the nation to list here, but the few I'm going to outline would be a very good start, were I the one to push the reboot button.

1.) Term limits for all branches of federal government, including the Supreme Court: The Founders and Framers never intended for America to have a ruling class. The professional politicians we have now would be absolutely abhorrent to those who created this nation. Look no further than the example set by our 1st president, George Washington, who voluntarily stepped down when it was a virtual certainty he would have been reelected in perpetuity.

2.) Every branch of government should be beholden to any and all laws they pass for us, the peasantry. Social Security and Obamacare, anyone?

3.) Reboot all social programs from the ground up. There isn't a conservative in the world that doesn't want to help those that demonstrably need help, but blindly handing monies we don't have to people who don't want to help their own situation – those who prefer the government care for them from cradle to grave - does nothing but breed dependence for them and bankruptcy for the rest of us. With the U.S. now about $17.8 trillion in debt, who among you really thinks we're not on the express train to bankruptcy?

3.) A flat tax, applicable to all, with no exemptions, deductions, or loopholes. Everyone pays the same rate, so nobody can complain others aren't paying their "fair share."

4.) Cease any and all foreign aid to nations that aren't our allies. Why we're handing our hard-earned money to people who'd love nothing more than to kill all of us is utterly beyond me. Let's not mention that we already borrow from other countries most of what we hand out, or that perhaps that money might just be better spent helping our own citizens first. Just a thought...

5.) Get rid of all federal regulatory agencies, particularly those affecting business and trade. Our form of government is supposed to protect us from each other, not ourselves. Let the people, and the free markets decide what's best for us. I've said this before, but it bears repeating – Had King DingleBarry truly wanted to fix the problems with the health insurance industry, he could have used that pen and phone he's so fond of to remove the restrictions on the interstate sale of insurance policies. Allowing companies to compete, openly and honestly, as the free-market demands, breeds lower prices and better, more diverse products and services.

There's a lot more we can do to fix our country, but I believe these five steps would be a good start. The absolute best thing we could do is get almost all of the incumbents in Congress out and start fresh with people who will represent those who sent them there; people who actually want to do right by the country – not just figure out how to get reelected time and time again. ~ Hunter

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