03 April 2014

Stand On Principle

There are those who wonder why I do what I do here at For Love Of Country, why I bother when so many refuse to listen. That's easy to answer: It's a matter of principle.

I stand against that which I know to be wrong:  Liberalism. Liberalism/progressivism/marxism/fascism/socialism/communism - they're all steps along the same path, and all lead to something bad for the people they affect.  History has shown that all too clearly, and I will do everything within my power to prevent it from gaining a bigger foothold here.

Sometimes it seems as if I stand alone, but when all is said and done, when you stand upon principles, history will judge you kindly. And when you take a stand for what this nation was meant to be, what the Founders intended, and what it's meant to the world - well, that just makes it so much the better.

Your help is required in this fight to save the greatest nation in history. When I post, I need you to share them as much as possible. To get the information out there amongst your friends and family is of the utmost importance. Besides, you never know when that one bit of information might change someone's entire way of thinking.

When you stand on principle, it's never a bad thing, but it sure is nice knowing there's others who'll stand with you. Are you among those who are willing to stand with me? ~ Hunter

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