14 April 2014

Is The Death Of The GOP Imminent?

Earlier this week, democrat (lowercase to show my disdain) “strategerist” James Carville made a statement that if the Republicans do not win the presidency in 2016, the party will go extinct. He may be correct, but not in the way he seems to think. I certainly hope he's not going to be right about that prediction, however.

First things first, let me state that I absolutely despise Carville. I have no use for someone who is so intellectually dishonest that he actually believes that there was a “Clinton surplus” in reality; a myth that I, and others much better than me, have busted time and time again. That being said, allow me to explain why I believe Carville might actually be correct.

The Republican party, as a whole, is too fractured; there's no unity of purpose anymore. There's certainly no “We're a better choice because...” For me, that last is a very important part of the differentiation of the two major parties; how people delineate between them. The Republican party establishment has been moving so far to the left as to be nearly indistinguishable from the democrats. Do the names McCain, Christie, Boehner, Graham, McConnell, and now Jeb Bush ring any bells?

All I've been hearing from Republicans lately is what democrats are doing wrong, but not enough about what the conservative alternatives should be. That's not enough anymore. We must carefully and thoughtfully distinguish Republican policy from democrat policy. No longer can we be the democrat party Lite. No more running of deficits of $500 billion and then saying, “See? We spend less than the democrats!” It just won't work anymore. It amazes me that many Republicans, particularly most of those listed above, think that merely spending less than the other side is a good thing when the federal government outlays are so much more than its revenues. Is it any wonder why we're having to raise the debt ceiling every few months, just so we can borrow more money to pay the interest on the money we've already borrowed because we spend so much more than we take in?

Pure, unabashed - and most importantly – unafraid conservativism is the only real answer to what ails this nation. Balanced budgets – ones that actually balance – a strong national defense, and pro-growth, free market capitalism economic policies, far less governmental regulations, and a much, much, MUCH smaller and less intrusive federal government would go a very long way towards solving the problems that plague America.

The most important thing we need to do, in my opinion, is unite behind one conservative candidate, and unite behind whomever it may be early in the primaries. A united front – very much along the lines of how the democrats do things – is essential to victory in the next presidential election. We also need to retire the progressives and RINOs driving the party into a ditch. They do nothing but get in the way of the true progress that conservatism represents.

If we don't get these things done, and probably many others, the Republican party, the party of true equality, that freed the slaves, ensured their citizenship and right to vote, the formerly fiscally responsible party will cease to exist in all but name.

If that happens, you need to ask yourselves this one question: What, then, stands in the way of the liberal agenda? ~ Hunter

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