22 April 2014

Didn't You Hear?

The most brilliant document ever written by man, conceived by the greatest minds this world has ever seen gathered in one place, at one time, the U.S. Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788. I firmly believe the United States of America was absolutely preordained by God, that America's existence was fate.

That same Constitution, however, is hated and vilified by his Royal Lowness, King DingleBarry. The King pretty much openly defies the limiting powers of the Constitution whenever it pleases him – witness all the recent scandals plaguing his Royal Court – and has no problem displaying his contempt for it, saying it's a “flawed” document because it doesn't specifically address the issue of equal rights for slaves (the real reason is because that was already addressed under the whole “We the People.” The Constitution doesn't mention race, color, or creed in any way.) He also despises that it specifically mentions what government can't do to you, yet doesn't say anything about what government should do for you (PSSSST... Hey – your Lowness. It actually does, i.e., national defense, general welfare, etc.)

Yep – the liberal-professed “smartest man ever,” a man who was a “Constitutional Law Professor,” - can't seem to figure out, you know, the subject he subverted - uhhh, lectured - upon in the University of Chicago, so he came up with a new plan - He's going to rewrite it. This should be good.

What? Weekly World News is just as valid a news source as MSLSD. Once again, context matters. ~ Hunter

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